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自考“英语(一)”笔记(71——80)  发帖心情 Post By:2007/5/1 21:03:38 [只看该作者]


16. rob v. 抢劫;非法剥夺

  1)He was robbed twice in the downtown area. (他在闹市区两次被抢。)

  2)A jewelry store was robbed last night. (昨晚一家珠宝店遭抢劫。)

  3)She was robbed of her purse on the bus. (在公共汽车上,她的钱包被抢。)

  4)The pain robbed him of sleep. (疼痛使他不能入睡。)

  5)The child was robbed of an opportunity to see his mother. (那孩子被剥夺了一次见母亲的机会。)

  17. fraud n. 欺骗;骗局

  1)He obtained the money by fraud. (他骗得了那笔钱。)

  2)His explanation was nothing but a fraud. (他的解释完全是骗人的鬼话。)

  3)What he did was a fraud on the customers. (他的所为是对顾客的一种欺骗行为。)

  18. swindle v. 诈骗    n. 诈骗行为

  1)He tried to swindle the insurance company. (他欺骗诈骗保险公司。)

  2)Some old people are easily swindled. (有些老人很容易受骗。)

  3)The boy swindled the old man out of his money. (那个男孩骗取了老先生的钱财。)

  4)The big bank swindle involved a lot of people. (许多人与这起诈骗银行的大案有牵连。)

  19. honesty n. 诚实;坦率


  如:delivery, discovery, recovery, flattery, modesty, jealousy.

  如果我们在honest, honesty前面加上前缀dis-则可以构成反义词。

  1)His honesty wins him a lot of friends. (他的诚实赢得了许多朋友。)

  2)In all honesty I'm at my wit’s end. (说实话,我现在是智穷计尽。)

  3)He is honest to his friends (他对朋友很真诚。)

  4)Nobody wanted to have anything to do with this dishonest chap. (谁都不想与这个不诚实的家伙打交道。)

  5)His dishonesty gave his parents a shock. (他的不诚实令他的父母大为吃惊。)

  20. probably adv. 很可能,大概,或许

  probable adj. 有可能

  probability n. 可能性

  1)He will probably refuse your help. (他很可能会拒绝你的帮助。)

  2)Their team will probably win the game. (他们队或许会赢得这场比赛。)

  3)It's probable that they will come earlier. (他们可能会早点来。)

  4)Overloading was the probable cause of the accident. (超载是事故的可能起因。)

  5)There is no probability that he will succeed. (他不可能成功。)

  6)There is every probability that she will make a fuss over the matter. (她很可能对此事大惊小怪。)




  1. Who do you think breaks the law in our society?

  本句中do you think是个插入语,插入语用于问句中在英语中也是十分常见的,如:

  1) What performance do you think they will put on? (你认为他们会表演什么节目?)

  2) When do you suppose they will see us? (你认为他们什么时候会见我们?)

  3) Where do you suggest we should go during the holiday? (你建议我们假期去哪儿?)

  4) How long did he say he would spend on that book? (他说他要在那本书上花多长时间?)

  5) What do you suggest he should do to make up for the loss? (为了弥补损失,你建议他该做些什么?)

  2. Has anyone you know ever driven drunk?


  1) He turned away disappointed. (他失望地走开了。)

  2) They went home exhausted. (他们回到家里已筋疲力尽了。)

  3) We joined in the discussion unprepared. (我们毫无准备地加入了讨论。)



  Have you ever been to Paris? (你去过巴黎吗?)

  Nothing ever makes him happier. (从没有什么事会使他更开心。)

  If you are ever in China, please let me know. (如果你什么时候在中国,请让我知道。)

  2) 用于表示比较的从句中:

  It is raining harder than ever. (雨越下越大了。)

  This is the highest mountain I have ever climbed. (这是我所爬过的最高的山。)

  The last I ever met him was in Nanjing. (我最后一次遇见他是在南京。)

  3) 用于特殊疑问句中,表示“究竟”,“到底”,“用任何方式”等:

  How can I ever thank you? (我究竟怎样才能感谢你?)

  Who ever can it be? (那究竟会是谁呢?)

  Why ever did you say so? (你究竟为什么这样说?)


  He is ever ready to help others. (他总是乐于帮助他人。)

  The little boy is ever making the same mistakes. (那个小男孩总是犯同样的错误。)

  Everybody was amazed at her ever youthful face. (每一个人都为她永远年轻的容貌感到惊奇。)

  3. Won't some of your frends admit that they have stolen an item from a store?


  1) He admitted threatening Larry. (他承认恐吓了拉里。)

  2) The young man was admitted to Harvard. (那位年轻人被哈佛录取了。)

  3) This door admits to the backyard. (这扇门通向后院。)

  4) He admitted to having broken the vase. (他承认打碎了花瓶。)

  5) The shop assistant admitted that she had taken the money. (店员承认是她拿了钱。)

  4. in case you did not know, all of these acts are against the law.本句话的意思是“如果你以前不知道,所有这些行为都是违法的。”

  in case用于引导条件状语从句和目的状语从句,在从句中,动词可以用虚拟语气,形式为should+动词原形,也可以不用虚拟语气,而用动词的一般现在时或一般过去时,如:

  1) Please remind me of it in case I (should) forget. (万一我忘了,请提醒我。)

  2) You had better leave the key at home in case I (should) think of coming back.


  5. In the same way that diseases range from the common cold to fatal forms of cancer, crimes vary in degree.

  本句中的range from和vary在前面的课文中都已出现过,再请看几个例句。

  1) The participants range in age from 14 to 65. (参加者的年龄从14岁到65岁不等。)

  2) The flavour of food varies from place to place. (食品的风味各地都不同。)

  Crimes vary in degree in the same way that…that引导的是一个同位语从句对way作进一步的说明。in the same way意思是“以同样的方式”。

  1)We would do it in the same way that you did last time. (我们将用你上次所用的同样方法来做这件事。)

  2)The teacher talked to the boy in the same way that his teacher had talked to him years ago.


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加好友 发短信 等级:论坛版主 帖子:2208 精华:1 积分:14434 金钱:34310 金币:0 魅力:6895 威望:0 登陆:241 注册:2006/11/28 9:24:35 近访:2008/1/18 11:00:51 在线:在线0天0小时0分钟.
  发帖心情 Post By:2007/5/1 21:04:00 [只看该作者]

 6. In addition to breaking the law themselves, people tolerate various levels of crime.

  in addition to意思是“除…之外(还)…”, to是介词,在其后要用名词或动名词。

  1)In addition to bread, I bought you some milk. (除了面包,我还给你买了些牛奶。)

  2)In addition to holding a full-time job, he tutored some primary school children.


  tolerate是个及物动词,意思是put up with (忍受、宽恕);accept (允许)

  1)They tolerate the existence of opinions contrary to their own. (他们允许相反观点的存在。)

  2)I cannot imagine how he tolerated the isolation. (我不能想象他是如何忍受这份孤独的。)

  7. We become used to seeing blood on the news on television. Become是一个连系动词,used to与连系动词或be动词连用,意思是“习惯”,used to单独用时,意思是“过去,曾经”。

  1) He is getting used to living in the south. (他正在习惯南方的生活。)

  2) I have become used to getting up early in the morning. (我已习惯早起。)

  1) He used to work for the government. (他曾为政府做事。)

  2) They used to live in the same city. (他们曾在同一座城市生活过。)

  请注意be used to中的to是个介词,后面要用名词或动名词,used to中的to是个不定式符号,后面用动词原形。

  8. When it comes to respecting the rights of a mass of anonymous individuals, we might not be so responsible.

  When it comes to相当于so far as…is concerned意思是“就…而言”,“说到…时”。To是个介词,后面用名词或动名词。

  1) He is not good at math, but when it comes to English, he is the best. (他的数学不好,要说到英语他是最好的。)

  2)When it comes to giving due respect to the old people, she feels a bit uneasy.



  1) The floating masses office would prove to be a threat to the ships. (大块大块的浮冰对船只将是个威胁。)

  2) They have collected a great mass of data. (他们已收集了大量资料。)

  3) The room is a mess. (这房间又脏又乱。)

  4) They made a mess of the job. (他们把事情搞得一团糟。)

  9. While most people would not steal a wallet containing $50, they may not mind cheating on taxes, because cheating on taxes does not hurt any one person.


  1) While he is respected, he is not well-liked. (尽管他受人尊敬,但并不被人喜欢。)

  2) While I admit his good points, I can see his shortcomings. (尽管我承认他的优点我还是看到他的缺点的。)


  1) Mind the wet paint! (当心,油漆未干。)

  2) Mind your own business! (别管闲事!)

  3) Would you mind my smoking? (我抽烟你介意吗?)

  4) I don't mind tell him all I know. (我不介意把我所知道的都告诉他。)

  5) Mind that you don't forget the meeting. (注意别忘了开会。)

  10. Perhaps this is why someone who robs a few dollars by force from a corner store will often end up with a longer jail term than a fraud artist who swindles thousands of dollars…

  by force意思是“凭借暴力,强迫地”,如:

  1) Several youngsters robbed the bank by force. (几个年轻人以暴力抢劫银行。)

  2) The boy was robbed of his money by force. (那个男孩的钱被强抢了。)

  end up的意思是“结束,告终”,如:

  1) You will end up in prison if you go on stealing. (如果你继续偷下去,你最终会进监狱的。)

  2) Wasteful people usually end up in debt. (挥霍浪费者最后往往负债。)

  3)We ended up taking a taxi there. (我们最终乘出租车去了那儿。)

  4)The party ended up with a chorus. (晚会最后以合唱结束。)

  5)If we go on in this way, we shall end up with millions and millions of unemployed.



  serve one's term of service (服规定年限的兵役)

  get a term of ten years in prison (被判十年徒刑)

  during one's term of office (任职期间)

  11. The police would never be able to keep an eye on everyone, and people would still find ways to bend new laws.

  keep an eye on意思是“照看;密切注意”,如:

  1) Can you keep an eye on the baby while I go shopping? (我去购物时你能帮我照看一下孩子吗?)

  2) Parents won't be able to keep an eye on the children all the time. (父母不可能时时注意孩子们。)


  1) They tried in vain to bend the rules of the game. (他们篡改比赛规则的企图没有成功。)

  2) He took advantage of his power to bend the law to suit his own purposes.



  1. think of          2. be aware

  3. go through         4. in case

  5. divide into        6. in the same way

  7. range from         8. in addition to

  9. be tolerant of       10. become used to

  11. care about        12. prevent from

  13. when it comes to     14. by force

  15. end up          16. keep an eye on

  Text B   Marriage in iran and America:a study in contrasts


  I. Phrases and expressions

  1.compare with

  Compared with the products of their factory, ours are superior in quality.

  Compared with many other women in her days, she was really lucky.

  2. for the purpose of

  He cheated on the exam for the purpose of getting a high score.

  He told a lie for the purpose of avoiding a possible punishment.

  3. a number of

  A number of local residents have moved to a new residential area.

  A number of miners who had been trapped were saved.

  4. be willing to

  He was willing to lend us a helping hand when we were in need.

  The man was not willing to admit that he was wrong.

  5. be married to

  She was married to a handsome young man from Germany.

  The girl stood up and said she was willing to be married to the poor artist.

  6. be involved in

  No one wanted to be involved in this matter.

  Mr. Li didn't expect that his son could be involved in this robbery.

  7. respond to

  How did the audience respond to your speech?

  He responded to his wife's complaints by turning a deaf ear to her.

  8. be allowed to

  He is allowed to read in prison.

  The boy is not allowed to play video games.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/5/1 21:04:21 [只看该作者]

Text A    the language of uncertainty


  1. dominate v. rule, control (统治,支配,控制)

  domination n. 统治、支配、控制

  1)He felt ill at ease living in a white-dominated society. (他觉得生活在一个白人统治的社会里很不自在。)

  2)His opinion dominated the other members of the committee.


  3)This issue dominated the discussion. (这个议题在讨论中占了首要地位。)

  4)Agriculture has lost its dominance in many countries. (农业在许多国家已失去了优势。)

  5)The domination of Europe over the rest of the world has long since declined.


  2. judgment n. 判决;看法;判断

  judge v. 审判;判断;认为      n. 法官;裁判员

  1) He hoped the judgment would be in his favor. (他希望判决对他有利。)

  2) He sometimes couldn't live with himself if he made a mistake in judgment.


  3) In my judgment, we should do it right now. (依我看,我们应该马上做这件事。)

  4) He was brought to the judge, accused of stealing. (他被指控行窃而带到法官面前受审。)

  5) Mr. Li is going to be a judge of a beauty contest. (李先生将做选美比赛的评判员。)

  6) The young man was judged innocent. (那个年轻人被判无罪。)

  7) We cannot judge whether it is right or wrong. (我们不能判断这是对还是错。)

  8) I judge she knew what she was doing. (依我看,她当时知道她在干什么。)

  3. editorial n. 社论 adj. 编辑的

  editor n. 编辑

  edit v. 编辑;校订;修改

  1) This issue carries a weighty editorial on education. (这期登了一篇有关教育的很有分量的社论。)

  2) The editorial policies haven't changed a bit over the years. (这些年来编辑方针没有丝毫改变。)

  3) He was made assistant editor on the paper. (他被任为那报纸的助理编辑。)

  4) The chief editor was on a business trip. (主编出差了。)

  5) Scholars often edit Shakespeare's plays. (学者们常校订莎士比亚的剧本。)

  6) He is carefully editing his speed. (他正在仔细修改自己的讲稿。)

  4. wage n. 工资,报酬      v. 进行,开展


  1) They stopped working to press for better wages and working conditions.


  2) His wages are 200 dollars a week. (他的工资是200美元一周。)

  3) They waged a campaign against cheating on exams. (他们开展了反对考试作弊的运动。)

  4) Germany waged a war against Poland. (德国对波兰开战。)

  5. probability n. 可能性;概率

  probable adj. 可能的


  1) The probability of an earthquake disturbed everybody. (地震的可能使每一个人不安。)

  2) In all probability, they could perform many different musical instruments.


  3) Every event has a particular probability of occurring. (每个事件都有其特定的发生率。)

  4) This is the most probable interpretation of the situation. (这是对形势的最可能的解释。)

  5) Xiao Wang is the probable winner. (小王是颇有希望得胜的人。)

  6) It is probable that he forgot. (他或许是忘记了。)

  6. verbal adj. 言辞的;口头的;动词的

  1) This job calls for excellent verbal talent. (这份工作需要极好的口才。)

  2) The difference is merely verbal. (差别仅仅在于措辞。)

  3) “en” and “-ize” are common verbal endings. (“en” 和 “-ize”是常见的动词词尾。)

  verbal instructions (文字说明)    a verbal protest (口头抗议)

  a verbal agreement (口头协议)

  7. imprecision n. 不精确,不正确    imprecise adj. 不精确的;不正确的

  im-是一个前缀,通常加在以 “m”、 “p”、或 “b”为首的形容词、副词和名词前,构成反义词。如:immature (不成熟的),immodest (不谦虚的),immoral (不道德的);impossible (不可能的), impolite (不礼貌的),impatience (不耐心);imbalance (不平衡)等等。

  -ion是一个名词后缀,我们已经多次碰到过,如protection (保护), extension (延伸)。

  1)The imprecision of the ordinary words led to many misunderstandings.


  2) The imprecision of the ruler gave him a lot of trouble. (尺子的不精确给他带来了很多麻烦。)

  3) My ideas about it were imprecise. (我对这个问题的看法不准确。)

  4) The terms he used were imprecise. (他用的术语不确切。)

  8. denote v. indicate, show (指示;代表;是…的标记)

  1) Dark clouds denote rain. (乌云是下雨的预兆。)

  2) Red flares denote danger. (红色火焰是危险的标记。)

  3) My identity was denoted by a plastic label on my wrist. (我手腕上的塑料标签表明了我的身份。)

  9. subjective adj. 主观的

  subject n. 主观;题目;学科;臣民;主语      adj. 受支配的;易受…的

  1) It is only my subjective impression. (这仅是我的主观印象。)

  2) How can you fully believe his subjective judgement? (你怎能完全相信他的主观判断?)

  3) What's the subject for today’s debate? (今天辩论的题目是什么?)

  4) I am taking four subjects this semester. (本学期我选四门课。)

  5) He is a British subject. (他是英国臣民。)

  6) India is no longer subject to British rule. (印度不再受英国统治了。)

  7) This area is subject to seasonal winds. (这个地区常遭受季风的袭击。)

  10. potentially adv. 可能地,潜在地

  potential adj. 潜在的,可能的       n. 潜力,可能性

  1) Electricity is potentially dangerous. (电是潜力的危险。)

  2) The dispute has scared away potential investors. (这场争论吓跑了可能的投资者。)

  3) The hole in the road is a potential danger. (路上的那个坑是个潜在的危险。)

  4) The system gives everyone a chance to tap one's potential to the full.


  11. prediction n. 预言;预报

  predict v. 预言,预报

  pre-是一个前缀,表示before, 如:prehistoric (史前的),preschool (学前)。

  dict是个词根,意思是to say, 如:contradict (矛盾;否定),dictator (独裁者;口授者)

  1) Have you listened to the weather prediction for the day? (你听了当天的天气预报了吗?)

  2) They made prediction about possible price increase. (他们对物价上涨的可能性进行预测。)

  3) The weather scientists predicted a light rain and temperature drop. (气象专家们预测有小雨,气温将下降。)

  4) I cannot predict what will happen. (我无法预料将会发生什么事情。)

  12. signify v. 表示…的意思;表明;意味着

  signification n. 意义;表示

  我们讲到过-fy是个动词后缀,意思是make,如identify, beautify, purify等等。

  sign是词根,意思是mark,如:signature (签字,记号),design (设计,意图)

  1) “MD” signifies “Doctor of Medicine”。 (“MD”意为“医学博士”。)

  2) He signifies consent with a smile. (他微笑表示同意。)

  3) The clouds signified the coming storm. (乌云预示着即将有暴风雨。)

  4) Signification relies largely upon words and gestures. (表示意思主要靠言词和示意动作。)

  13. secondly adv. 第二,其次

  1) He was first of all a dishonesty chap, secondly he was irresponsible.


  2) I don't like this pair of shoes. Firstly the color is awful; secondly it is too expensive.


  14. assign v. 分配;指派;指定;布置

  assignment n. 任务;作业;分配

  1) They assigned me a small room. (他们分给我一个小房间。)

  2) I was assigned to the mountain village. (我被派到那个山村工作。)

  3) Have you assigned a day for the meeting? (你们指定了开会日期吗?)

  4) He finished all the homework assignments in two hours. (他用两小时完成了全部的家庭作业。)

  5) My first major assignment as a reporter was to cover a large scale riot.


  15. marked adj. 明显的;显著的

  1) The patient showed a marked improvement. (病人的病情显著好转。)

  2) A market police car sped past just now. (刚才一辆有标记的警车急驶而过。)

  3) The boy showed marked improvements in spelling and reading. (那个男孩在拼写和阅读方面有了显著提高。)

  16. widen v. 加宽,放宽扩大

  我们在前面讲到过-en可以做动词后缀,用在名词或形容词后面构成动词,如:lengthen, heighten, shorten, brighten等等。

  1) The river widens where it meets the sea. (那条河在入海口处变宽了。)

  2) The road finally widened and we didn't have to worry about traffic blocks any more.


  3) The misunderstanding widened the gulf between the two sides. (误解加深了双方的隔阂。)

  4) His arguments widened my ideas. (他的论点开阔了我的思路。)

  5) He stared at me, his eyes widening. (他逼视着我,眼睛睁得大大的。)

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/5/1 21:05:58 [只看该作者]

 17. consistent adj. 坚持的,一贯的,与…符合

  consistency n. 一致,连贯,坚持

  1) The professor had a consistent attitude towards all his students. (这位教授对他所有的学生一视同仁。)

  2) His deeds are not consistent with his words. (他们言行不一致。)

  3) The manager's statement was consistent with the fact. (经理的说法与事实相符。)

  4) There is no consistency between the movie and the book. (电影和书的情节不符。)

  5) Her rude behavior is not in consistency with her usual polite nature.(她的粗鲁行为和她平时斯文的性情不相符合。)

  18. systematically adv. 有系统地;有计划地

  systematic adj. 有系统的,有条理的

  1) They did everything systematically. (他们有条不紊地做了一切。)

  2) Do you have a systematic plan for the project? (对于这项工程你们有系统计划吗?)

  3) These skills are developed in a systematic way. (这些技能是有计划地发展的。)





  1. Uncertainty spreads through our lives so thoroughly that it dominates our language.

  动词spread的过去式和过去分词与动词原形是一样的。本句中的spread意思是becomes known or shared by more and more people (散布),如:

  1) News of the air crash spread quickly. (飞机坠毁的消息很快传播开了。)

  2) He is making a lecture tour to spread his political influence. (他在作巡回演讲以扩大自己的政治影响。)

  3) People seem to love spreading gossip. (人们似乎爱传闲话。)


  1)A scene of property spreads out before us. (一幅欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们面前。)

  2) The spread of education benefits many girls. (教育的普及使许多女孩得益。)

  3)He was spreading peanut butter on bread. (他正往面包上涂花生酱。)

  4) Many people died as a result of the spread of fire. (火势蔓延致使多人丧生。)

  5)You many consider spreading the work load. (你可以考虑把工作分摊一下。)


  1)He nearly lost his life. (他几乎送了命。)

  2) Fourteen children lost their lives in the fire. (十四个孩子在火中丧生。)

  3) People spend their lives worrying about wealth and health. (人们一生都在为金钱和健康担忧。)

  2. Our everyday speech is made up in large part of words…

  in part意为“在某种程度上;部分地”;in large part则表示“很大部分”,如:

  1) Some forms of mental illness are caused in part by lack of communication.


  2) The driver should in large part be responsible for the accident. (司机应为这起事故负大部分责任。)

  Be made up of 意思是“由…组成”,如:

  1) The medical team is made up of 4 doctors and 2 nurses. (那个医疗队由4名医生和2名护士组成。)

  2) His class is made up of 50 students. (他的班级由50名学生组成。)

  3. Atomic war is likely to destroy forever the nation that wages it.

  在前面我们已多次碰到be likely to, 我们提到过be likely的主语可以是it,也可以是其他名词,如:

  1) It is likely that he will be here in 30 minutes. (他过30分钟可能会到这儿。)

  2) The disease is likely to spread. (这种疾病可能会传播。)

  It is likely that the disease will spread.

  forever是副词,意思是for good, completely (永远地),如:

  They will vanish forever into the twilight. (他们将永远消失在黄昏里。)


  1)She is forever asking to borrow something. (她没完没了地向人借东西。)

  2) The teacher was forever spotting trivial errors in their calculations. (老师总是在他们的计算中发现错误。)

  that wages it是定语从句,修饰nation.Wage在本句中用作动词,意思是start(发起,开展),如:They waged a campaign against nuclear tests. (他们开展了反核试验运动。)

  4. Lacking any standard for estimating the probability, we are left with the judgment of the editorial writer.

  句中的lack 是一个及物动词,意思是“缺乏”,lack也可用作不及物动词和名词,请看下面的例句,注意lack的用法。

  1)He wasn't a stern man, in spite of his lack of humor. (尽管他缺少幽默感,但他不是一个苛刻的人。)

  2) Lack of funding is making our job more difficult. (资金短缺使我们的工作更加困难。)

  3) There was no lack of hands. (人手并不缺。)

  4) He is lacking in responsibility. (他不够负责。)

  5) Your statement lacks detail. (你的叙述不够详尽具体。)

  leave sth. with sb. 意思是“把…留给某人”,如:

  1) Leave your telephone number with the secretary. (把你的电话号码留给秘书。)

  2) He left his bicycle with his brother when he went on holiday. (他去度假时,把自行车放在他弟弟那儿。)

  5. Indeed, it has a value just because it allows us to express judgments when a precise quantitative statement is out of the question.

  allow sb. to do sth. 意思是“允许某人做某事”,如:

  1)They were allowed to stay there longer. (他们被允许在那儿时间呆长点。)

  2) He allowed me to take two books. (他允许我拿两本书。)

  请注意区别out of the question和out of question:

  out of the question意为“不可能的”,“办不到的”。如:

  1) I haven't finished my homework yet, going shopping now is out of the question.


  2) Going swimming at this time of the year is out of the question. (一年中这个时候游泳是不可能的。)

  out of question意为“毫无疑问”。如:

  1)Getting some help from her is out of question. (得到她的帮助不成问题。)

  2)It is out of question to get the job. (得到那份工作没问题。)

  6. …which are also quantifiable but denote not so much a condition of certainty as a quantity imprecisely known;

  not so much…as…意思是“与其说…不如说…”。如:

  1)He is not so much a reporter as a writer. (与其说他是一个记者,还不如说他是个作家。)

  2)His achievement was made not so much because of luck as because of hard work.


  7. …which can not be reduced to any accepted number because they are given different values by different people.

  reduce的意思是make sth. smaller in size or amount or less in degree (减少,减轻),如:

  1)They have promised to reduce the cost. (他们已经答应降低成本。)

  2)The workforce would have to be reduced by 50%. (劳动力将减少百分之五十。)

  reduce sb. to a particular state指处于(某种状态);使艰难(处境),用被动语态时,表示“迫使”。如:

  1) He was reduced to begging in the old days. (在旧社会他被逼得讨饭。)

  2) The old lady was reduced to despair. (老太太陷入了绝望。)

  在课文中的这个句子里,be reduced to意思是“使化为,使变为”,如:

  1) This kind of analysis reduce the problem to its simplest form. (这种分析方法使问题变得最为简单。)

  2) He had always wanted to reduce his thoughts to writing. (他一直想把自己的思想变成文字。)

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/5/1 21:06:23 [只看该作者]

 8. We have been trying to pin down by experiments what people mean by these expressions in specific contexts,…

  pin作名词用时指“别针,大头针”,如a safety pin (安全别针);作动词用时指“别住”;“使不能行动”,pin down的意思是“准确说明”,“牵制”。如:

  1) He pinned a badge on his jacket. (他在外套上别了一枚徽章。)

  2) She pinned the papers together before giving them to the manager. (把文件给经理前,她用针把它们别好。)

  3) They pinned him down to a promise. (他们迫使他履行诺言。)

  4) We are trying to pin down his speech. (我们正努力准确说明他的讲话。)


  1) What do you mean by that? (你这样讲是什么意思?)

  2) He put the young man in an awkward situation by asking him some personal questions.


  9. …we find that the number depends of course on the items involved.

  …the size of the population of items influences the value assigned to an expression.

  上面两句中的过去分词involved和assigned其前都省去了that (which) are (is),做定语修饰items和value.


  1. be made up of

  2. in part

  3. be likely to

  4. be left with

  5. allow sb. to do sth.

  6. out of the question

  7. not so much…as…

  8. be reduced to

  9. pin down

  10. compare with

  11. be certain to

  12. in place of

  Text B    it never rains but it pours!


  1. There is no smoke without fire.

  2. Don't wash your dirty linen in the public.

  3. It's no use crying over spilt milk.

  4. Make the best out of a bad job.

  5. It never rains but it pours.

  6. Every dog is allowed one bite.

  7. One man's meat is another man’s poison.

  8. Let sleeping dogs lie.

  9. He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.

  10. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  11. There is no such thing as a free lunch.


  1.  relevance to / be relevant to

  What he said had no relevance to the present question.

  They could not forward any relevant proof.

  2.  believe in

  I believe him but I don't believe in him.

  He believes in Christianity.

  3.  pass on to

  Would you please pass this message on to Xiao Li?

  Thank you for passing the news on to me.

  4.  in the form of

  He showed his appreciation to her in the form of a letter of hanks.

  They gave the children a lot of help in the form of books.

  5.  a reminder of

  This proverb can be used as a reminder of the correct way to behave.

  This picture is a reminder of my past.

  6.  in times of

  They are said to be more intelligent in times of difficulties.

  This could be a comfort in times of trouble.

  7.  be native to

  Rice is believed to be native to China.

  This saying is native to the American Indians.

  8.  go wrong

  When anything goes wrong with his car he will hasten to his auto repairman.

  I don't know what has gone wrong with my computer.

  9.  be based on

  His comments are based on facts.

  This film is based on the life story of a general.

  10.  date back to

  This invention can be dated back to the Han Dynasty.

  This old law dated back to the 17th century.

  11.  pay compensation to

  The insurance company would pay compensation to the victims.

  The supermarket refused to pay any compensation to the customer.

  12.  be harmful to

  Excessive smoking is harmful to your health.

  TV violence is harmful to children.

  13.  come into contact with

  China came into more contact with the outside world in the late 1980s.

  We learned more as we came into contact with them.

  14.  borrow from

  He borrowed a lot of money from his friends.

  Some of the English words are borrowed from other languages.

  15.  start on

  He started on his journey last week.

  You have to get well prepared if you want to start on a dangerous enterprise.

  16.  in return

  They gave you so much help, what are you going to do in return?

  I didn't expect any favor from you in return.

  17.  be reluctant to

  He is reluctant to make any comment on this issue.

  The boy was reluctant to tell his father the truth.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/5/1 21:06:47 [只看该作者]

Text A    current attitudes toward physical fitness


  1.fitness n. 适当,合理;健康

  fit v. (使)适合;与…相称;合身;容纳   adj. 合适的;正当的;健康的;合格的

  1) He does morning exercises every day to improve his fitness.(他每天做早操以增加体质。)

  2) He tried every means to make me believe the fitness of his decision.(他尽一切可能使我相信他的决定的合理性。)

  3) I am going to help you choose the fridge that fits your needs.(我将帮你挑选适合你需要的冰箱。)

  4) Try on this jacket and see if it fits you.(试试这件茄克,看看是否合身。)

  5) This shelter can only fit a family of three.(这个防空洞只能容纳一家三口。)

  6) The water in this river is not fit to drink.(这条河里的水不适合饮用。)

  7) She is fit for the job.(她能胜任这项工作。)

  8) The old man looks fit.(那位老人看上去身体很好。)

  2. misuse v. (n.) 误用,滥用;虐待

  mis-是一个常用的前缀,意思是badly or wrongly. 如misunderstand(误解),misdirect(指错方向),misfortune(不幸),misspelling(拼写错误)

  1) He misused a word in his report, which caused much confusion.


  2) He misused his servants.(他苛待仆人。)

  3) You can see for yourself how he misused his powers.(你可以亲眼去看他是如何滥用权力的。)

  3. assure v. 使确信,使放心;向…保证

  assurance n. 保证;信心

  1) He assured me that there was nothing really wrong with my car.(他向我保证我的车实际上并没有什么问题。)

  2) I can assure you of his sincerity.(他的真诚我可以向你保证。)

  3) She was assured a well-paid job after graduation.(有人保证她毕业后有一份待遇优厚的工作。)

  4) The hunter killed the snake and the child's life was assured.(猎人打死了蛇,孩子的生命保证了。)

  5) He assured his property with this company.(他向这家公司保了财产险。)

  6) Her assurance that she would help gave me encouragement.(她会帮忙的保证给了我鼓励。)

  7) He continued his experiment with assurance.(他充满信心地继续他的试验。)

  8) There is an assurance company round the corner.(不远处有一家保险公司。)

  4. career n. 生涯;职业;(事业的)成功

  1)His career as a journalist was about to begin.(他的记者生涯即将开始。)

  2)His political career ended after he left the white House.(离开白宫后,他的政治生涯就告结束了。)

  3)She decided to make teaching her career.(她决定以教书为业。)

  4)He has a career before him.(他前程远大。)

  5. priority n. 优先,重点;…优先考虑的事

  prior adj. 在先的;居先的;优先的

  1) They insist that the right to live should take priority over all other considerations.


  2) Security is a top priority.(安全是应予最优先考虑的事。)

  3) We should place priority on the interest of the public.(我们应优先考虑公众的利益。)

  4) She quitted her job without prior discussion with her parent.(她未经事先与父母商讨就辞了职。)

  5) A week prior to the meeting, he made a phone call to me.(在见面前的一个星期,他给我打了个电话。)

  6. pro adv. 从正面      prep. 赞成      n. 赞成的意见,赞成者

  con adv. 从反面     prep. 反对    n. 反对的意见;反对者

  1) Much has been written on the subject pro and con. (有关这个问题已有很多论著,有正面的,也有反面的。)

  2) The pros and cons of mixed schooling are now under discussion.(男女同校的利弊问题正在讨论之中。)

  3) Are you pro or con nuclear disarmament?(你是赞成还是反对核裁军?)

  7. Involvement n. 卷入,牵连;复杂情况

  involve v. 使卷入,牵涉;包含

  1) He didn't have any direct involvement in this affair. (他未直接卷入这个事件中。)

  2) His parents warned him to avoid involvement with the street-loafers.


  3) My personal involvement with him and his family is deep.(我个人和他以及他的家庭瓜葛很深。)

  4) He was involved in stealing.(他卷进了偷盗事件中。)

  5) The investigation involves a lot innocent people.(这次调查牵扯到许多无辜者。)

  6) Swimming involves long hours of training.(游泳必须进行数小时的训练。)

  8. pursuit n. 追踪,追求,乐趣

  1) I don't know what they are in pursuit of. (我不知道他们在追求什么)

  2) In the pursuit of their goal, they got a lot of help from friends.


  3) They are now engaged in scientific pursuit.(他们在从事科学研究。)

  4) Stamp-collecting is one of his favorite pursuits.(他的爱好之一是集邮。)

  9. limitation n. 限制,局限,缺陷

  1) All railways have weight and height limitations, because of tunnels, bridges and so on.


  2) As the old saying goes, a wise man knows his own limitations.(正如古谚语所说,明智的人有自知之明。)

  3) With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its limitations.


  10. time-consuming adj. 耗费时间的

  n+v-ing 构成的复合形容词十分常见。如labor-saving (省力的),energy-consuming (耗费能源的)

  1) Doing housework and taking care of little children can be very time-consuming.


  2) Before you take up this project, you must be fully aware that it is really time-consuming.


  11. recreation n. 娱乐活动,消遣

  1) His only recreations are playing chess and working in the garden. (他唯一的消遣活动是下棋和养花种草。)

  2) He always told us that he was too busy for recreation.(他总是对我们说他太忙,没空消遣。)

  12. schedule n. 日程表       v. 安排,排定

  1) He looked at the schedule of postal charges trying to find out how much he would have to pay.


  2) They wanted to plan a tight schedule of travel.(他们想安排一个紧凑的旅行日程。)

  3) The organizer of the conference came to tell them the schedule for the following days.


  4) The train arrived two behind schedule.(火车误点两小时。)

  5) They finished their work ahead of schedule.(他们提前完成了任务。)

  6) The Wilson's are scheduling a visit to China.(威尔逊一家正在安排来中国游览。)

  7) He is scheduled to arrived tomorrow.(他定于明天到达。)

  13. facility n. 设备,设施;便利,容易;技巧

  1) They decided to spend more on educational facilities. (他们决定加大在教育设备上的投入。)

  2) The kitchen is equipped with all the necessary modern facilities.(厨房里装有所有必备的现代化设备。)

  3) The experts are satisfied with the airport facilities.(专家们对机场设施很满意。)

  4) This tool can be used with greater facility than that one.(这个工具使用起来比那个工具方便。)

  5) He has great facility in learning languages.(他很有学习语言的技能。)

  14. commitment n. 承担的责任或义务,承诺,信奉

  1) He seemed to lack the commitment to pursue a difficult task the very end.


  2) I cannot give you any commitment for more leave and better pay.(我不能允诺你更多休假、更高报酬。)

  3) We cannot expect him to carry out his campaign commitments.(我们不能指望他履行竞选诺言。)

  4) The No.1 domestic commitment of the next Administration is to control inflation.


  15. scope n. (活动,影响能力的)范围

  1) He is looking for a job that will give him greater scope for initiative.


  2) Such subjects are not within the scope of my mind.(这些问题不在本书论及的范围之内。)

  3) What you talked about was beyond the scope of my mind.(你所谈的超出了我的理解范围。)

  4) I'd like to have more scope for putting my ideas into practice.(我希望能有更多的机会实施我的新主意。)

  16. comment n.评论,评注       v. 评论

  1) He refused to make any comment on the rumor that he had bribed the officials.


  2) Do you have any comment on this article?(你对这篇文章有什么意见?)

  3) The spokesman commented on the recent development of national economy.


  4) If you comment on his work favorably, he will be very happy.(如果你对他的工作予以好评,他会非常高兴。)

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/5/1 21:07:12 [只看该作者]

 17. maintain v. 维持,保持;维修,保养,扶养;断言

  1) Maintaining law and order is of top priority.(维持法律和秩序是头等大事。)

  2) Everyone should contribute to maintaining world peace.(每一个人都应为维护世界和平作出贡献。)

  3) To get there before dark, you have to maintain a high speed of 80 miles an hour.


  4) Their work is to maintain railway lines.(他们的工作是养护铁路。)

  5) He found it so hard to maintain a family of five.(他感到要负担一个五口之家很困难。)

  6) He maintained that such things should never be done again.(他强调这种事情不应再发生了。)

  18. approach v. 靠近;处理(问题)      n. 方法;接近

  1) The train is approaching the station.(火车在向车站靠近。)

  2) His work is approaching perfection.(他的工作渐臻完美。)

  3) He approached the problem with calm and caution.(他沉着而审慎地对持那个问题。)

  4) Go home quickly, a storm is approaching.(快点回家,暴风雨即将来临。)

  5) Our approach drove away the wild animals.(我们一靠近就把野兽赶跑了。)

  6) The best approach to this problem is to cut down cost and increase efficiency.


  19. positive adj. 确定的;积极地,肯定地

  positively adv. 确定地,明确地;积极地,肯定地

  1) He was frightened by the results of his blood test, for all tested items show positive reactions.


  2) I'm positive about it.(对这点我有绝对把握。)

  3) They longed for a positive answer.(他们渴望得到肯定的答复。)

  4) You should adopt a more positive attitude toward life.(对生活你应该采取更积极的态度。)

  5) He never answered my questions positively.(他从不肯定地回答我的问题。)

  20. aspect n. 方向;外表

  1) They considered the plan in all its aspects.(他们全面地考虑了这一计划。)

  2) His face had a frightening aspect.(他的脸色很吓人。)

  21. emerge v. 出现

  1) The sun emerged from behind a cloud.(太阳从云朵后面出来了。)

  2) Different ideas have emerged.(不同意见出现了。)

  3) A modern industrial city is now emerging.(一个现代化的工业城市正在兴起。)







  1. Recently we were told by a student that setting aside time for improving his physical fitness would be a total misuse of his working hours.

  that引导的是一个宾语从句,在这个从句中,动名词短语setting aside time…做主语,此类结构在英语中很常见。如:

  1) He told me that getting up early in the morning was hard for him.(他告诉我早起对他来说很困难。)

  2) The teacher said that cheating on exams was on the increase in many schools.


  3) My brother told me that setting up his own company would not be totally impossible.


  set aside 意思是to reserve or keep sth. for a special use or purpose (留出、拨出);set aside也可表示overturn(驳回、取消),disregard(不顾)。如:

  1) He decided to set aside 50 yuan every month so that he could buy a used bike.


  2) His parents asked him to set aside 30 minutes every morning reading English.


  3) The government set aside thirteen per cent of the money for health and education.


  4) The original verdict was eventually set aside by the Supreme Court.(原先地裁决最终被最高法庭驳回。)

  5) We must set aside all formality and another try.(我们必须不拘形式再试一次。)

  a / the misuse of sth.意思是 use sth. in an incorrect or improper manner(误用、滥用)。如:

  The misuse of company assets brought about heavy losses.(滥用公司财产造成了严重损失。)

  在词汇部分我们讲到mis-是一个前缀,常指things being done badly or wrongly. 如:understand-misunderstand , print-misprint等等。

  2. He assured us that he would be no better served by a fitness program than by learning to play bridge.

  本句中地no是一个副词,用在副词比较级地前面,表示“并不、毫不”。no也可以在形容词比较级地前面。如:no more than, no less than, no longer than,no farther than 等等。

  1) I could no more play piano than you.(我和你一样不会弹钢琴。)

  2) This place is no better than slum.(这地方与贫民窟差不多。)

  better是副词well的比较级形式,served是个过去分词,可用作形容词,如: better organized, better prepared, better managed等等。


  1) assure sb. of sth.

  He assured me of the feasibility of the plan.(他使我确信这个计划是可行的。)

  2) assure sb. that……

  I assured my mother that I would handle the problem.(我向母亲保证我能处理这个问题。)


  assure指以十分肯定的语气向别人保证某事一定发生,多用assure sb. of / that在结构中;ensure意为确保某种行动或动因的结果一定会发生,后面可以跟sth.或that从句,但不能带双宾语;insure意思是“给…保险”;secure的意思是make safe(使安全)。

  1) He assured me that Dr. Baker would come.(他向我保证贝克博士会来。)

  2) To ensure the child's quick recovery, the doctor gave him three different medicines.


  3) The house is insured against fire.(这房子保了火灾险。)

  4) They tried their best to secure the bridge from further attack.(他们尽力保护桥梁免受进一步的攻击。)

  3. College and his preparation for a career were his only priorities.请注意区prepare 和prepare for的区别。

  prepare sb. or sth. 指make them ready for an event or action that will happen in the future,如:

  We have to prepare our lessons carefully.(我们得仔细备课。)

  prepare for an event or action指get oneself ready for it; make plans for it so that it and prepared when it happens, 如:

  The children washed out hands and prepared for the meal.(孩子们洗好手准备吃饭。)

  名词preparation通常用在短语make preparations for和in preparation for当中,如:

  1) They were making preparations for the old man's funeral.(他们在为老人的葬礼做准备。)

  2) We will have to collect new material in preparation for the experiment.(我们得收集新资料为实验作准备。)

  priority指 give priority to和 take / has priority当中。如:

  1)This project has priority over all others.(这个项目比所有其他项目都更受重视。)

  2)Education is given first priority in their family.(教育在他们家是予以最优先考虑的问题。)

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/5/1 21:07:32 [只看该作者]

 4. This student has seen being physically fit as an end rather than the means we know it to be.

  see sth. as意思是“把…看作为”,我们以前学过不少类似的短语,如:regard…as,look upon…as,think of…as,view…as等等。

  being physically fit意思是“身体健康”。

  an end rather than the means意思是“是一种目的而不是达到目的的方法”。 rather  than意思是“而不是”。

  1)He was seen as the most capable person in the company.(人们认为他是公司最能干的人。)

  2)We saw her silence as consent.(我们把她的沉默看作为同意。)

  3)To be physically fit is our greatest wish for grandfather.(身体健康是我们对爷爷的最大希望。)

  4)You need to do more exercise if you want to be physically fit.(如果你想身体健康,就需要进行更多的锻炼。)

  5)He came all the way to China for promoting friendship rather than for making money.


  5. His opinion is one of the many feelings, pro or con, that people hold about their personal involvement in a physical fitness program.

  pro和con在本句中作形容词用,pro的意思是for(赞成),con的意思是against(反对)。pro or con在句子中作后置定语,修饰名词feeling.后置定语在英语中也很常见。如:

  1) Countries, big or small, should be equal.(国家无论大小都是平等的。)

  2) He studied in a room, clean and tidy.(他在干净整齐的房间里学习。)


  1)The active involvement of thousands of people in the election campaign surprised him.


  2) He avoids involvement in politics.(他避免卷入政治。)

  6. Certainly some of there individuals may have physical limitations that make activity extremely difficult, and others are engaged in time-consuming activities that until finished do not permit opportunities for recreation.

  that make activity extremely difficult是一个定语从句,修饰physical limitations.

  Be engaged in sth. 意思是be involved in sth.(使从事,使忙于),如:

  1)They were engaged in the study of soil conservation.(他们在从事土壤保持的研究。)

  2) It is inappropriate for him to engage in this activity.(他从事这一活动是不合适的。)

  7.…I'll have no difficulty staying that way.

  have (no) difficulty doing sth.(做某事有/无困难),也可以用have (no) trouble doing sth.。如:

  1)He has no difficulty understanding the Chinese film.(看懂那部中国电影他没有困难。)

  2)I had a lot of trouble getting back to sleep after I answered the phone call.(接过电话后,我无法再入睡。)

  8.…you may have made a commitment to a physical fitness program that might be rather narrow in scope.

  make (a) commitment to 意思是make a firm promise(作出承诺),或者involvement(投入)。

  Narrow in scope意思是范围很窄,很狭隘。我们接触过在形容词后面加介词in再加名词的机构,如similar in appearance(外表相像)。

  9.What could I achieve if I were really in top physical condition?

  本句中用了虚拟语气,从句中用过去时(be动词用were),主句中用could或should / would / might加动词原形,表示的是与现在事实相反的假设,如:

  1)If he were on time, we wouldn't have to wait for him.(如果他能准时,我们就不用等他了。)

  2) If they had time now, they would come to see us.(如果他们现在有时间,他们就来看我们了。)

  in top physical condition 意思是“身体很健康”。如:

  The old man is in top (very good, excellent…) physical condition though he is already 76.


  10. In the final analysis, we think that although fitness will not guarantee that you will live longer, it can help you enjoy the years you do live.

  in the final analysis意思是ultimately(归根结底),如:

  They realized in the final / last analysis that their job was to tell public the facts.


  guarantee的意思是保证,担保,后面可跟名词;to do或that从句。如:

  1) Wealth doesn't guarantee happiness.(财富不能保证快乐。)

  2)They guaranteed to finish the work in two hours.(他们保证在两个小时内完成这项工作。)

  3)I guarantee that they will win the game.(我保证他们会赢这场比赛)。


  本课主要短语(phrases and expressions)

  1.set aside

  2.a misuse of

  3.no better than

  4.prepare for / make preparations for

  5.be physically fit

  6.be seen as

  7.rather than

  8.pro or con

  9.involvement in / be/become/get involved in

  10. in pursuit of

  11. be engaged in

  12. have (no)difficulty doing sth.

  13. get support from

  14. make commitment to

  15. narrow in scope

  16. approach to

  17. in top physical condition

  18. be capable of

  19. keep in mind

  20. in the final analysis

  Text B    people and colors


  1. in general

  In general, girls do better on test about vocabulary than boys.

  In general, there are two different ideas about where to go.

  2. remind sb. of sth.

  The way he walks reminds me of his father.

  The picture reminds me of the days I spent in the countryside.

  3. associate with

  People usually associate the underground with something evil.

  They like to associate with people from all walks of life.

  4. react to

  I cannot imagine how the audience will react to his speech.

  Young children react to the color of an object before they react to its shape.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/5/1 21:07:58 [只看该作者]

Text A    non-verbal connunication


  1.non-verbal adj.   wordless, without involving the use of language (非词语的,非语言的)

  non-是一个常用前缀,通常加在形容词,名词或副词前,表示“非”,“无”,“不是”,“不重要的”,“无价值的”。如nonbeliever (无信仰的人)

  nonsmoker (不抽烟的人),nonstop (不停的,直达的), nonviolence(非暴力的),

  nondegree (非学位的),nonbook (无真实价值的书)

  1)Gesture is a form of non-verbal expression. (手势是一种非语言的表达方式。)

  2)Professor Wang is going to give us a lecture on non-verbal communication.


  3)You will have a better idea of it after you read the verbal instructions.


  2. oral adj. 口头的

  1) He gave us an oral report after inspecting the factory. (视察了那家工厂后,他给我们作了口头汇报。)

  2) They will have an oral English test tomorrow afternoon. (明天下午他们将有一个英语口试。)

  3) He broke the oral thermometer and had to buy a new one. (他摔坏了口腔温度计,不得不去买个新的。)

  3. approval n.

  agreement to an idea, plan, decision, etc.(赞成,同意);

  a formal statement that sth. is acceptable (认可批准)


  arrive——arrival  deny——denial  refuse——refusal

  survive——survival  try——trial  withdraw——withdraw 等等

  我们以前也学习过-al做形容词后缀,如:brutal 的),mortal (致命的),racial (种族的),social (社会的)等等

  1) He nodded his approval when we informed him of our plan. (当我们把计划告诉他时,他点头表示同意。)

  2) His proposal won the approval of many people. (他的建议赢得了许多人的支持。)

  3) My idea is unlikely to meet with the approval of my parents. (我的想法不可能得到我父母的认可。)

  4) This project has the approval of the National Treasury. (这个项目得到了国家财政部的批准。)

  5) She didn't conceal her disapproval of what we had done. (她毫不掩盖自己对我们所为的不赞成。)

  6) The colonel looked at the soldier with disapproval. (上校以非难的目光看着那个士兵。)

  7) His marriage was not approved by his family. (他的家人不赞同他的婚姻。)

  8) My boss approved of my attending the conference. (老板同意我出席会议。)

  本句中的approve作不及物动词用,后面接of + (动)名词,不接复合宾语。

  4. frown n. v. 皱眉;不满

  1) He gave me a frown of disapproval. (他向我做了个不赞成的表情。)

  2) She frowned at her mother when she was asked to do some housework.


  3) Critics frowned on/upon the idea. (评论家对这种意见表示不赞同。)

  5. reaction n. 反应;对抗

  在前一单元中,我们学习了动词react, reaction是react的名词形式。无论用动词还是名词,当表示“对…作出反应”时,后面要用介词to.如:

  1) How did he react to the news? (他对此消息如何反应?)

  2) What was their reaction to your proposal? (他们对你的建议有何反应?)

  3) I am not sure how he will react to such a straightforward answer.


  4) What was the audience's reaction to his speech? (听众对他的发言有何反应?)

  6. embarrass v. 使窘迫,使为难;麻烦,妨碍

  1) She was embarrassed by her husband's drunken behavior. (她丈夫的酒后举止使她难堪。)

  2) It embarrasses me even to think about it. (我连想想这件事都觉得不好意思。)

  3) We didn't want to embarrass him in any way. (我们一点也不想使他为难。)

  4) We found him embarrassed with debts. (我们发现他已经负债累累。)

  7. staff n. 全体职工、参谋部     v. 为…配备工作人员

  1) The company has got a staff of more than 800. (这家公司有800多名职工。)

  2) The editorial staff of a newspaper demanded pay increases. (一家报纸的全体编辑人员要求增加工资。)

  3) He served as a chief of staff in the army. (他在部队做参谋长。)

  4) The labs are staffed with two engineers. (实验室里配备了两名工程师。)

  5) We must staff the center with men with a formal training. (我们必须为中心配备受过正规训练的人员。)


  1) The secretary has to get all the stuff ready before the meeting starts.


  2) ——Do you want some jelly? (你想来点果子冻吗?)

  ——No, I hate the stuff. (不,我讨厌那东西。)

  3) The buses are always stuffed with passengers during the rush hours.


  4) He really wanted to stuff his ears with cotton-wool when his mother rattled on.


  8. gesture n. 姿势,手势;(外交等方面的)姿态   v. 做手势

  1) He gestured to me to sit down. (他示意我坐下。)

  2) She gestured with her head towards the closed door. (她用头朝紧闭的门示意了一下。)

  3) The old man gestured me to his study. (老人示意我去他的书房。)

  4) He raised his hands in a gesture of despair. (他举起双手以示绝望。)

  5) What he has done is just a political gesture to draw popular support.


  9. proximity n. 接近,亲近,近似


  1) Much of the town's attractiveness lies in its proximity to Niagara Falls.


  2) I have grown accustomed to the continual proximity of the animals. (我已习惯总有动物在我附近。)

  3) be in close proximity to (非常接近于)

  4) in the proximity of (在…附近)

  5) proximity of blood (近亲)

  6) proximity effect (邻近效应)

  7) proximity talks (近距离间接会谈)

  10. cultural adj. 文化的


  1) Cultural differences caused a lot of misunderstandings. (文化方面的差异造成了许多误解。)

  2) These peoples have different cultural traditions. (这些民族有着不同的文化传统。)

  3) This city is often referred to as a cultural desert. (这个城市常被称为文化沙漠。)

  11. invasion n. 入侵,侵略

  这个单词的动词形式是invade.In是个前缀,意思是 “into”,vade是个词根,意思是 “to go”。


  decide——decision (决定)  pervade——pervasion (弥漫)

  evade——evasion (逃避)

  1) Japan launched an invasion into China. (日本入侵中国。)

  2) This is an evasion of individual privacy. (这是对个人隐私的干预。)

  3) What you are doing now will undoubtedly invade the rights of others. (你现在的所为无疑将侵犯他人的权利。)

  4) No one would allow his family privacy to be invaded. (谁也不会允许自己的家庭私生活受到侵扰。)

  12. fiddle n. 小提琴  v. 拉提琴;不停拨弄;闲荡


  1) In his eyes father plays first fiddle in the family. (在他看来父亲在家里居首要地位。)

  2) His face was as long as a fiddle when his request was refused. (他的要求遭到拒绝时他拉长了脸。)

  3) Don't worry about him. He is as fit as a fiddle. (别为他担心,他非常健康。)


  1) He sat nervously fiddling with his spectacles. (他坐在那儿紧张地拨弄他的眼镜。)

  2) He didn't like anyone to fiddle with his bicycle. (他不喜欢任何乱动他的自行车。)

  3) Don't fiddle about, go and help your mum with the housework. (别再闲荡了,去帮妈妈做家务。)

  4) Father was angry because Tom fiddled away the whole day. (父亲很生气,因为汤姆浪费了整整一天的时间。)

  13. wriggle v. / n. 蠕动,扭动,蜿蜒

  英语中以wr开首的单词,w通常不发音,如write (写),wrap (包扎),wrestle (摔跤),wretched (痛苦的),wring (拧),wrinkle (皱纹),wrong (错误的)

  1) The child wriggled out of his mother's arms. (那孩子扭动着挣脱了母亲的怀抱。)

  2) A snake wriggled across the road. (一条蛇蜿蜒游过公路。)

  3) He got through the hole with a wriggle. (他扭动着身子从洞口钻了出去。)

  14. confess v. 承认;坦白,供认

  1)He confessed his crime in the face of the evidence. (在证据面前,他认罪了。)

  2) He confessed hating his present job. (他承认他恨目前的工作。)

  3) I have to confess that I didn't understand what she said. (我不得不承认我没听懂她说的话。)

  4) He confessed to being a drug addict. (他承认自己有毒瘾。)

  5) The student refused to confess to having cheated on the exam. (那个学生拒绝承认考试作弊。)

  从以上的例句中我们可以看出confess可以作及物动词用,也可作不及物动词用。作及物动词用时,confess的后面可以接名词、动名词和宾语从句等。作不及物动词用时,confess的后面要接介词to,其用法同于admit to sth/doing sth

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/5/1 21:08:30 [只看该作者]

 15. intense adj. 强烈的,紧张的;热烈的

  1) Because of the intense heat, I slept very little last night. (由于天气酷热,我昨夜没怎么睡。)

  2) The intense light dazzled my eyes. (强光使我目眩。)

  3) He has intense interest in computer. (他对计算机有极大的兴趣。)

  4) Diplomatic activity has been intense recently. (近来外交活动紧张频繁。)

  16. brief adj. 简短的,简洁的  v. 作简要的介绍,汇报

  1) He will go to England for a brief visit. (他将去英国进行短期访问。)

  2) She only made a brief statement at the meeting. (她在会上只作了简短的陈述。)

  3) They briefed the press about the recent happenings. (他们向报界通报最近发生的事情。)

  4) They had been well briefed about the political situation. (对政治形势他们已被简要告知。)

  17. volume n. 卷册,书卷;体积;音量

  1) The community has a library of 12,000 volumes. (这个社区有一个藏书12,000的图书馆。)

  2) The passenger volume this May was not as big last May. (今天五月的客流量没有去年的大。)

  3) Turn down the volume please. The baby is sleeping. (宝宝在睡觉,请把音量调低。)




  肢体语言可被分为五类:1)身体姿势和脸部表情 2)目光交流 3)肢体距离 4)服装和外貌 5)语言特性。关于第三点,不同的文化有不同的反映。在某些文化中,人们在交谈时紧挨在一起是很自然的事,而在其他中,如美国,这样做则是不甚妥当的。




  1. That isn't a catch question.


  1) The thief was caught by the police on the scene. (小偷被警察当场抓住。)

  2) He didn't catch the last train. (他没赶上末班火车。)

  3) He caught a bad cold last week. (他上周得了重伤风。)

  1)The building caught fire and many people were trapped in it. (大楼着了火,许多人被困在里面。)

  2)Sorry, I didn't quite catch you. (对不起,我没听清你的话。)

  在本课文的这个句子中,catch用作名词,意思是a hidden problem,difficulty,or obstacle in sth. (难人的问题,诡计)。如:

  1)There is a catch in it. (这里面有蹊跷。)

  2)Don't worry. There are no catch questions in the paper. (别担心,试卷里没有怪题。)

  3)He was taken surprise by the catch question. (那个怪题使他诧异。)

  2. It would almost certainly refer to means of communication that involve the use of words.

  在第四单元中我们已经学过refer to (提到,涉及)这个短语。再请看几个例句。

  1)In his speech he referred to the difficulties they had overcome. (在发言中,他提到了他们所克服的困难。)

  2)What he said at the meeting doesn't refer to you. (他在会上所说的不是指你。)



  1)If I were you, I wouldn't get myself involved in this problem. (如果我是你,我不会让自己卷进这个问题中。)

  2)She didn't want to be involved in trouble. (她不想卷入纠纷。)


  3)To accept the job would involve my living in London. (若接受这份工作,我必须得住在伦敦。)

  4)Building this road will involve the construction of some tunnels. (造这条路包括建造一些隧洞。)


  3. NVC for short.

  这是一个省略句,补充完整应该是Non-verbal communication is called NVC for short.


  for short是个常用短语,意思是“简称;缩写”。如:

  1)Unidentified flying object is called UFO for short. (不明飞行物被简称为UFO)

  2)People's Republic of China is ften written as P.R.C. for short. (中华人民共和国常被缩写为P.R.C.)

  4. …the average European will smile and nod approval.


  1)The average driver thinks that accidents only happen to other people.


  2) We averaged 70 miles an hour. (我们平均每小时行70公里。)

  3)His performance is above the average. (他的成绩在一般水平之上。)



  1)They nodded agreement. (他们点头表示同意。)

  2)He nodded me a welcome when I went in. (我进去时,他向我点头表示欢迎。)

  3)I nodded to him in greeting. (我向他点头打招呼。)

  4)Father nodded in approval when he listened. (父亲听着时点头表示赞同。)

  5)Homer sometimes nods. (智者千虑,必有一失。)

  6)He didn't give our plan the nod. (他没有同意我们的计划。)

  5. …because body language is very much tied to culture…

  本句中的be tied to sth.意思是be related to, have to do with (与…有关),如:

  1)Many diseases are tied to smoking. (许多疾病与吸烟有关。)

  2) The misunderstanding was tied to cultural differences. (这个误会与文化差异有关。)

  be tied to 也可以表示be restricted by (受…约束),如:

  1)She was tied to housework and wouldn't be able to come. (她被家务事束缚,无法前来。)

  2)If you have small children, you will be tied to your home. (如果你有小孩子,你就会被束缚在家了。)

  6. Quite a lot of work is now being done on the subject of NVC, which is obviously important, for instance, to managers, who have to deal every day with their staff, and have to understand what other people are feeling if they are to create good working conditions.


  一般说来,用which引导非限定性定语从句,修饰表物的先地词;用who引导的非限定性定语从句则修饰表人的先行词;也可用关系副词where或when引导非限定性定语从句。非限定性定语从句常用逗号与主句分开,而且引导从句的关系代词which,that和关系副词where, when不能省略。

  1)I want to buy the house, which has a garden. (我想买那座房子,它有一个花园。)

  2) The students, who wanted to go out on a picnic, were disappointed when it rained.


  3)The football match will be put off till next week, when we can get everything ready.


  4)The place, where we stayed, has changed so much. (那个地方我们住过,那儿的变化很大。)

  deal with的意思是“对付,打交道”。如:

  1)He is not easy to deal with. (他不容易打交道。)

  2)I don't know how to deal with this situation. (我不知道如何应付这种局面。)
