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自考“英语(一)”笔记(1——10)  发帖心情 Post By:2007/4/24 1:33:04 [只看该作者]


Text A     How to be a successful language learner?


  1. successful adj. 成功的

  He is a successful writer. (他是一个有成就的作家。)

  He hopes he will be successful this time. (他希望他这次能够成功。)

  success n. 成功

  Their film is a great success.(他们的影片很成功。)

  We are sure of success. (我们一定能成功。)

  succeed v. 成功

  I succeeded in getting the job. (我成功地得到了这份工作。)

  She succeeded in passing the exam. (她考试及格了。)

  2. adult adj. & n. 成年的,成熟的;成年人

  These adult films are not suitable for children.(这些******影,儿童不宜观看。)

  Don't worry too much about him, he is an adult now.(别为他过分担心,他是成年人了。)

  3. disagree vi. 有分歧,不同意;不符,不一致

  agree vi. 同意

  I disagree with you about this.〔对于这件事,我跟你的意见不同。〕

  These figures disagree with last week's results.(这些数据与上周的结果不符。)

  I agree with what you said. (我同意你所说的。)

  She agreed to the plan.(她赞成这个计划。)

  We haven't agreed on the date of the meeting.(我们还没商定会议的日期。)

  agreement n. 同意;协议

  disagreement n. 不同意

  We haven't reached an agreement yet.(我们还没达成协议。)

  There was no disagreement, and the proposal was accepted.(没有不同意见,这个建议被接受了。)

  (请注意:前缀dis-通常可以加在动词,名词,形容词前面,构成反意词。例如:dissatisfy,disorder,disable. 后缀-ment加在动词的后面,构成名词。例如:arrangement,argument 等。)

  4. statement n. 声明,陈述 (由动词state 加名词后缀-ment构成)

  Very soon he made his first public statement about the affair. (他很快就此事件首次发表公开声明。)

  Do you believe the witness's statement? (你相信证人的陈述吗?)

  (请注意动词与名词的搭配:issue a statement, make a statement)

  5. guarantee n. & v. 保证,担保,保修

  He gave his guarantee that he would repay the money as soon as he could.(他保证他会尽快还钱。)

  The washing machine is guaranteed for five years.(这台洗衣机保用5年。)

  (请注意guarantee做动词的用法:guarantee sth.,guarantee that, guarantee against / from )

  6. intelligent adj. 聪明的,明智的

  He made an intelligent decision.(他做出了明智的决定。)

  Human beings are much more intelligent than animals.(人类远比动物聪明。)

  Intelligence n. 聪明,智力

  She prided herself on her intelligence.(她为自己的聪明感到自豪。)

  Intelligently adv. 聪明地,明智地

  They dealt with the problem intelligently.(他们明智地处理了这个问题。)

  7. conversely adv. 相反地

  Some are wealthy but unhappy; conversely, others are happy but not wealthy.


  converse adj. 相反的

  I hold the converse opinion.(我的观点相反。)

  converse v. 交谈,谈话

  He felt it difficult to converse with Helen in English.(他觉得跟海伦用英语交谈很困难。)

  8. similar adj. 相似的,类似的

  The two animals are similar to each other in appearance.(这两只动物外表很相似。)

  similarity n. 相似,类似

  Their differences are more noticeable than their similarities.(他们的不同之处比相同之处更明显。)

  9. independent adj. 独立的,自主的

  (这个词的词根是depend,在depend的后面加上后缀 -ent可以构成形容词,加上 -ence则可以构成名词;在dependent,dependence前面加上前缀 in- 又可以构成反义词。)

  depend v. 依靠,依赖

  dependence n. 依靠,依赖

  dependent adj. 依靠的,依赖的

  independence n. 独立,自主

  India won its independence in 1947.(印度于1947年赢得了独立。)

  10. clue n. 线索,提示

  The police searched all the houses but found no clues.(警察搜索了所有的房屋,但是没有发现任何线索。)

  (注意用法:find /give a clue to sth.)

  11. conclusion n. 结论,推论

  conclude v. 断定,决定

  (注意用法:come to a conclusion,jump at a conclusion,draw a conclusion,reach a conclusion)

  What conclusions did you come to?(你得出了什么结论?)

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/4/24 1:33:27 [只看该作者]

12. communicate v. 交流,交际,通讯

  communication n. 交流,通讯

  communicative adj. 爱说话的

  To communicate with him is no easy job, as he is not a communicative person.(他是一个不爱说话的人,与他交流可不容易。)

  Speech and writing are man's most important methods of communication.(说和写是人类最重要的交流方式。)

  13. inexact adj. 不正确的,不精确的

  与independent一样,该词是由形容词 exact加前缀in- 构成的。

  14. incomplete adj. 不完整的

  complete adj.& v. 完整的;完成

  This is an incomplete sentence, please add the omitted part and make it complete.


  I don't think I can complete the work in 2 hours. 〔我想我在两小时内干不完这活。〕

  15. purpose n. 目的,意图,用途

  purposeful adj. 有目的的,有意图的

  purposefully adv. 有目的地,蓄意地

  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss his proposal.〔会议的目的是讨论他的建议。〕

  He let out the information purposefully to you.〔他有意向你透露了这个消息。〕

  16. regularly adv. 经常地,定期地

  regular adj. 经常的,定期的

  irregular adj. 不规则的,无规律的

  If you review your lessons regularly, you will do well on tests.


  17. technique n. 技术,技巧,手艺

  Good study techniques help him to be one of the straight A students in his class.


  18. outline v.& n. 概括;大纲,提纲;轮廓

  He listened carefully as I outlined my reasons.〔在我简述我的原因时,他认真地听着。〕

  The English teacher asked us to write a brief outline of the story.


  He saw the outline of the house in the moonlight.(在月光下,他看到了那座屋子的轮廓。)


  1. 名词后缀 -ment

  agreement, statement

  2. 名词后缀 -ation, -ion, -sion

  communication, completion, conclusion

  3. 名词后缀 -ity

  similarity, regularity

  4. 名词后缀 -ence

  intelligence, independence

  5. 形容词后缀 -ful

  successful, purposeful

  6. 副词后缀 -ly

  conversely, regularly, purposefully

  7. 反义词前缀 in

  inexact, incomplete, independent

  8. 反义词前缀 dis

  disagree, discover


  How to Be a Successful Language Learner 是一篇典型的说明文。此类文章通常以逻辑顺序安排材料,作者要回答HOW或WHY方面的问题。在说明文的阅读与写作中,要注意抓主题句以及使文章内容启承转合的常用词句。



  1. Learning a language is easy.

  这是一个  主语+动词+表语 (SVP)句型。句中learning a language为动名词短语,在句子中


  Forgetting the past means betrayal.(忘记过去就意味着背叛。)


  1) 阅读英语比讲英语容易。 (Reading English is easier than speaking it.)

  2) 集邮是我弟弟的爱好。(Collecting stamps is my little brother's hobby.)

  2. Even a child can do it.

  even在句中作副词用,加强语气,表示“甚至(…也),连(…都)”。如:He even didn't trust his best friend.(他甚至不信任他最好的朋友。)

  请注意even与 even if / though的区别并翻译下面的句子:

  1) 这个我连听都没听过。(I haven't even heard of it.)

  2) 即使花了数天时间复习,他也没能考好。(He didn't do well in the exam even though he spent days reviewing.)

  3. Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement.

  句中who are learning a second language为定语从句,修饰先行词most adults,再如:

  The man who wrote this book is a teacher.(写这本书的人是一位教师。)


  1) 穿蓝色夹克的那个男孩是我们的班长。

  (The boy who is in a blue jacket is our monitor.)

  2) 你昨天借给我的那本书很有趣。

  (The book that you lent me yesterday is very interesting.)


  A picnic without you wouldn't be fun.(野餐没你参加会很没意思。)


  1) 表示过去将来时:I felt confident that everything would be all right.

  2) 表示意愿:I asked him not to do it, but he wouldn't listen to me.

  3) 表示习惯性:Every evening, we would go for a walk along the river.

  4) 表示虚拟,假设,条件:If you had come earlier, you would have seen him.

  5) 表示婉转地请求或建议:Would you look after my cat while I am away?

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/4/24 1:33:47 [只看该作者]

4. They need hundreds of hours of study and practice, and even this will not guarantee success for every adult language learner.

  注意句中hundreds of hours的用法,阅读课本第六页注解2.


  1) 十个学生 ten students

  数十个学生 tens of students

  2) 五百年 five hundred years

  数百年 hundreds of years

  3) 两千年 two thousand years

  数千年 thousands of years

  4) 三百万美元 three million dollars

  数百万美元 millions of dollars

  5. Language learning is different from other kinds of learning.

  句中be different from 意为“与…不同”,如:My opinion is different from yours.(我的观点与你的观点不同。)


  Man is different from all the other animals in his ability to learn and use a language.

  Man differs from all the other animals in his ability to learn and use a language.

  The greatest difference between man and all the other animals is his ability to learn and use a language.

  从上面的句子中可以看出differ是动词,different 是形容词,difference是名词。

  6. … find it difficult to succeed in language learning.

  … find it difficult to succeed in other fields.

  句中的it是形式宾语(formal object),真正的宾语(real object)是不定式to succeed in language learning,此类用法在英语中很常见,请注意掌握。如:At first I found it difficult to remember all these new words.(开始我感到记住这些单词很难。)


  1) 外面的噪音使我无法继续工作。

  (The noise outside made it difficult for me to go on with my work.)

  2) 他们觉得再争论下去是浪费时间。

  (They consider it a waste of time to argue any further.)

  3) 她认为把真相告诉小王是对的。

  (She thought it right to tell Xiao Wang the truth.)

  7. Language teachers often offer advice to language learners.


  1) He offered me a cup of tea after I sat down. (我坐下后他给我端来一杯茶。)

  2) What suggestions would you like to offer to those young teachers? (对这些新教师你有什么建议要提吗?)

  3) This shop offers all kinds of stationery.(这家商店供应各种文具。)

  4) The old man offered me 100 yuan for the used bike.


  5) She offered to help me with my English.(她表示愿意帮我学英语。)

  句中的advice为不可数名词,其后不加s,正如课本第六页注解3所说,有许多东西在汉语中是可数的,在英语中却是不可数的。如news, information, paper 等,若要表示“一个”这类概念,就必须加a piece of这类定语,例如:

  a piece of news

  a piece of advice

  a sum of money

  a piece of bread

  8. Read as much as you can.

  句中的much 是副词,用副词作同等比较时,可以用as … as和so … as 这种结构,如:

  1) Read as much as you can and your vocabulary will be enlarged.(尽量多阅读,你的词汇量就会扩大。)

  2) We must arrange everything as well as we can.(我们要把一切尽可能地安排好。)

  3) Please give me a call as soon as possible.(请尽早给我打电话。)

  4) I don't speak English so well as you.(我英语讲得没你好。)

  9. Practice speaking the language every day.

  practice 在美国英语中可以做动词也可以做名词,而在英国英语中,practice是名词,动词的拼写则是practise.

  作动词用时,其后只能跟动名词,不能跟不定式。如:It is really no fun to practice running in such hot weather.(在这样炎热的天气里练跑步可真不是好玩的。)

  10. Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways.

  that successful language learners are similar in many ways 是宾语从句。在非正式场合下that引导宾语从句时可省略。如:I think (that) you are right.


  1) 小男孩承认是他打碎了窗玻璃。

  (The little boy admitted that he broke the window.)

  2) 大量证据表明他是有罪的。(Plenty of evidence shows that he is guilty.)

  3) 我保证将会给他更多的帮助。(I promised that I would give him more help.)

  11. … they discover their own way to learn the language. to learn the language

  不定式做定语,例如:Is it the best way to solve the problem?(这是解决问题的最好方法吗?)


  1) 他没有勇气承认自己是无知的。(He has no courage to say that he is ignorant.)

  2) 这将是一个交流思想的好机会。(This will be a good opportunity to exchange ideas.)

  3) 他们在会上没有发言权。(They had no right to speak at the meeting.)

  12. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and rules for themselves.

  动词不定式to explain和名词 teacher构成复合结构,作wait for的宾语,称为复合宾语。此类用法在英语中很常见,例如:

  1) I'll get someone to repair the bike for you.(我去找人来帮你修自行车。)

  2) He wants you to call him in the afternoon.(他要你下午给他打电话。)

  3) The teacher is waiting for the students to answer the questions.


  4) You can count on him to give you full support.(你放心,他会给你全力支持。)

  请注意 instead of 与 instead 的区别:

  1) Instead of staying at home watching TV, he went out for a walk.

  He didn't stay at home watching TV, instead he went out for a walk.

  2) Instead of having milk for breakfast, he had a cup of coffee.

  He didn't have milk for breakfast, instead he had a cup of coffee.

  13. When they guess wrong, they guess again.


  1) He was annoyed that he had been given some wrong information.(wrong adj.错误的)

  2) I knew I had wronged her terribly when I gave her all the complaints.(wrong v. 冤枉)

  3) The whole class burst into laughter when the teacher pronounced her name wrong.(wrong adv.错,不对)

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加好友 发短信 等级:论坛版主 帖子:2208 精华:1 积分:14434 金钱:34310 金币:0 魅力:6895 威望:0 登陆:241 注册:2006/11/28 9:24:35 近访:2008/1/18 11:00:51 在线:在线0天0小时0分钟.
  发帖心情 Post By:2007/4/24 1:34:09 [只看该作者]

 14. … they look for such a chance.


  1) I've never seen such beautiful scenery.(我从没见过这样美丽的景色。)

  2) He didn't expect that the audience would give him such a response.(他没料想到观众们会给予如此反应。)

  3) She didn't feel like going out on such a cold day.(她不想在如此寒冷的日子里出门。)


  1) The question was so difficult that nobody could answer it.


  2) His eyesight was so poor that he couldn't see anything clearly.


  3) He ran so fast that nobody could catch up with him.


  15. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.

  不定式短语to learn to think in the language是句子的真正主语。it常常被用来代替不定式,在句子中充当形式主语,而把真正的主语移到句子后面去,这样使句子显得比较平稳。为了说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的,便在不定式前加for引起的短语。又如:

  1) It is not at all difficult for him to understand the poem.

  2) It is necessary for us to lend him a helping hand at this time.

  more important than是形容词比较级形式,请翻译下面的句子:

  1) 汤姆的年龄比玛丽大。(Tom is older than Mary.)

  2) 这本书比那本书更有趣。(This book is more interesting than that one.)

  3) 我们班的学生人数比他们班的多。(There are more students in our class than in theirs.)

  16. … you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully.


  1) He has been working for a whole day.

  2) They have been watching TV for two hours.


  1) 老李已经在南京生活了二十年。(Lao Li has been living in Nanjing for 20 years.)

  2) 雨下多久了?(How long has it been raining?)

  3) 我等了他一个多小时了。(I have been waiting for him for more than an hour.)

  17. … if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.

  less than用在形容词的前面是为了给所要表述的内容增加否定意味。又如:It would be less than fair to put all the blame on him.(把所有的责任都加在他身上是不太公平的。)


  1) 父亲对他的成绩不太满意。(Father was less than satisfied with his performance.)

  2) 这个计划远不够完美。(The plan was a good deal less than perfect.)

  do well to do sth. 的意思是“最好…做”,如:She would do well to go away from these

  dishonest people.(她最好远离这些不诚实的人。)


  1. disagree with 2. be different from

  3. succeed in 4. offer sth. to sb.

  5. as much as 6. practice doing sth.

  7. be similar to 8. first of all

  9. depend on 10. instead of

  11. wait for 12. look for

  13. learn from 14. communicate with

  15. be willing to 16. be interested in

  17. in order to 18. on the other hand

  19. less than 20. do well to do sth.


  A. 动名词做主语

  1) Learning a language is easy.

  2) Learning a language is a very difficult task.

  B. 定语从句

  1) Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement.

  2) Some people who are intelligent and successful in their fields…

  3) They are good guessers who find clues and form their own conclusions.

  4) They find people who speak the language…

  5) …they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete.

  C. it 做形式宾语

  1) …some people…find it difficult to succeed in…

  2) They find it easy to practice using the language regularly…

  D. it 做形式主语

  1) It is more important for them to learn to think…

  2) It is necessary for them to learn the language…

  Text  B   Language

  1. not only…but also (不但……而且)

  例:To some people language learning is not only time-consuming, but also difficult.

  You can find the place not only with the help of a map, but also by asking the way.

  2. up and down (上上下下,前前后后)

  例:His eyes moved up and down the rows of people, looking for the escaped prisoner.

  He walked up and down the street, not knowing what decision he should make.

  3. neither…nor (既不……也不)

  例:Neither you nor I should be responsible for this accident.

  This book is neither interesting nor instructive.

  4. mean to do sth.(打算做某事,想要做某事)

  例:I meant to say “sorry” to him, but he didn't want to listen.

  He didn't mean to hurt you.

  5. not at all(一点也不)

  例:I am not at all tired.

  He was not at all frightened by the strange noise.

  6. consist of(由……组成)

  例:Our class consists of 20 boys and 26 girls.

  The medical team consists of 3 doctors and two nurses.

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加好友 发短信 等级:论坛版主 帖子:2208 精华:1 积分:14434 金钱:34310 金币:0 魅力:6895 威望:0 登陆:241 注册:2006/11/28 9:24:35 近访:2008/1/18 11:00:51 在线:在线0天0小时0分钟.
  发帖心情 Post By:2007/4/24 1:34:22 [只看该作者]

 14. … they look for such a chance.


  1) I've never seen such beautiful scenery.(我从没见过这样美丽的景色。)

  2) He didn't expect that the audience would give him such a response.(他没料想到观众们会给予如此反应。)

  3) She didn't feel like going out on such a cold day.(她不想在如此寒冷的日子里出门。)


  1) The question was so difficult that nobody could answer it.


  2) His eyesight was so poor that he couldn't see anything clearly.


  3) He ran so fast that nobody could catch up with him.


  15. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.

  不定式短语to learn to think in the language是句子的真正主语。it常常被用来代替不定式,在句子中充当形式主语,而把真正的主语移到句子后面去,这样使句子显得比较平稳。为了说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的,便在不定式前加for引起的短语。又如:

  1) It is not at all difficult for him to understand the poem.

  2) It is necessary for us to lend him a helping hand at this time.

  more important than是形容词比较级形式,请翻译下面的句子:

  1) 汤姆的年龄比玛丽大。(Tom is older than Mary.)

  2) 这本书比那本书更有趣。(This book is more interesting than that one.)

  3) 我们班的学生人数比他们班的多。(There are more students in our class than in theirs.)

  16. … you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully.


  1) He has been working for a whole day.

  2) They have been watching TV for two hours.


  1) 老李已经在南京生活了二十年。(Lao Li has been living in Nanjing for 20 years.)

  2) 雨下多久了?(How long has it been raining?)

  3) 我等了他一个多小时了。(I have been waiting for him for more than an hour.)

  17. … if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.

  less than用在形容词的前面是为了给所要表述的内容增加否定意味。又如:It would be less than fair to put all the blame on him.(把所有的责任都加在他身上是不太公平的。)


  1) 父亲对他的成绩不太满意。(Father was less than satisfied with his performance.)

  2) 这个计划远不够完美。(The plan was a good deal less than perfect.)

  do well to do sth. 的意思是“最好…做”,如:She would do well to go away from these

  dishonest people.(她最好远离这些不诚实的人。)


  1. disagree with 2. be different from

  3. succeed in 4. offer sth. to sb.

  5. as much as 6. practice doing sth.

  7. be similar to 8. first of all

  9. depend on 10. instead of

  11. wait for 12. look for

  13. learn from 14. communicate with

  15. be willing to 16. be interested in

  17. in order to 18. on the other hand

  19. less than 20. do well to do sth.


  A. 动名词做主语

  1) Learning a language is easy.

  2) Learning a language is a very difficult task.

  B. 定语从句

  1) Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement.

  2) Some people who are intelligent and successful in their fields…

  3) They are good guessers who find clues and form their own conclusions.

  4) They find people who speak the language…

  5) …they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete.

  C. it 做形式宾语

  1) …some people…find it difficult to succeed in…

  2) They find it easy to practice using the language regularly…

  D. it 做形式主语

  1) It is more important for them to learn to think…

  2) It is necessary for them to learn the language…

  Text  B   Language

  1. not only…but also (不但……而且)

  例:To some people language learning is not only time-consuming, but also difficult.

  You can find the place not only with the help of a map, but also by asking the way.

  2. up and down (上上下下,前前后后)

  例:His eyes moved up and down the rows of people, looking for the escaped prisoner.

  He walked up and down the street, not knowing what decision he should make.

  3. neither…nor (既不……也不)

  例:Neither you nor I should be responsible for this accident.

  This book is neither interesting nor instructive.

  4. mean to do sth.(打算做某事,想要做某事)

  例:I meant to say “sorry” to him, but he didn't want to listen.

  He didn't mean to hurt you.

  5. not at all(一点也不)

  例:I am not at all tired.

  He was not at all frightened by the strange noise.

  6. consist of(由……组成)

  例:Our class consists of 20 boys and 26 girls.

  The medical team consists of 3 doctors and two nurses.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/4/24 1:34:42 [只看该作者]

Text A   Taxes,Taxes,and More Taxes


  1. tax n. & v. 税(款);对…征税

  The government plans to increase taxes by 3 percent.


  In Britain, tobacco and alcoholic drinks are heavily taxed.


  income tax(所得税) sales tax(销售税)

  import tax(进口税) housing and land tax(房地产税)

  VAT (value-added tax)(增值税) poll tax(人头税)

  tax-collector(税务员) tax-payer(纳税人)

  dodge tax(逃税,漏税) tax-free(免税的)

  2. type n. 类型,种类,品种

  v. 打字

  No one knows why he doesn't like this type of work.(没有人知道他为什么不喜欢这种工作。)

  The manager asked Mary to type the letter again.(经理要玛丽把信重打一遍。)

  typewriter(打字机)      typist(打字员)

  3. salary n. 工资     v. (常用被动语态)给…发薪

  salaried adj. 拿薪水的,领工资的

  She was happy to know that she would get a promotion and an increase in salary.(得知她将得到提级和加薪,她很开心。)

  Don't worry about him, he will be salaried by a big company.(别为他担心,一家大公司会给他发薪水。)

  With his knowledge and experience he was bound to get a high-salaried post.(凭借他的知识和经验,他一定能找到一份高薪的工作。)

  salary和 wage的区别在于:salary是指为从事非体力劳动的人按月支付的薪水,wage则通常指为从事体力劳动的人按周支付的薪水。

  4. earn v. 挣得;赢得,获得

  He worked 14 hours a day in order that he could earn enough to support the family.(为了能挣足够的钱养家,他每天工作十四小时。)

  His sincerity earns him friends wherever he goes.(无论走到哪,他的真诚都能赢得朋友。)

  5. percentage n. 百分比,百分率;比例,部分

  percent / per cent n. 每百中,百分之…

  The percentage of university enrollment will be greatly increased this year.(今年,大学录取的百分比将大大提高。)

  About 70 percent of high school graduates in Nanjing will be enrolled by universities this year.(今年,南京的高中毕业生将有百分之七十被高校录取。)

  6. vary vi. 变化,有不同

  vt. 改变,使不同

  Prices of fish vary from 70 cents a pound to one dollar a pound.(鱼的价格从七十美分到一美元一磅不等。)

  The weather in this area varies from hour to hour.(这儿的天气时刻有变化。)

  I didn't vary my plan at the last moment.(我在最后一刻没有改变我的计划。)

  7. graduated adj.(税)累进的;刻度的

  graduate v. & n. 毕业;毕业生

  graduation n. 毕业

  As the federal government has a graduated income tax, the more you earn, the higher tax you have to pay. 因为联邦政府实行累进所得税,所以,你挣的越多,缴的所得税就越高。

  A graduated glass will enable you to know how much water you have put into the vessel.(量杯能够使你知道你在容器里放了多少水。)

  He graduated from high school last year. But it was difficult for a high school graduate to find a satisfactory job.


  After graduation she went to work in a hospital as a nurse. (毕业后,她去医院做了一名护士。)

  8. sale n. 出售,卖;廉价出售

  sell v. 卖

  Mr. Smith is now interested in my car and I hope I can make the sale today.(史密斯先生现在对我的汽车感兴趣,我希望今天就能卖成。)

  He sold his bike to Tom.(他把自行车卖给了汤姆。)

  for sale(待售) on sale(上市的)

  a clearance sale(清仓拍卖) sales department(营业部)

  sales promotion(促销活动) sales manager(销售经理)

  salesperson / salesclerk(营业员)

  9. charge v. 索价;指控;使充满

  n. 价钱;指控;负责

  He charged me 10 yuan for a bowl of plain rice.(一碗白米饭,他要了我十块钱。)

  The young man was charged with stealing.(那个年轻人被指控犯了盗窃罪。)

  Charge your glasses and drink to our friendship.(斟满杯,为我们的友谊干杯。)

  The charge for a front-row seat is 250 yuan.(前排座位票价250元。)

  The police arrested him on a charge of murder.(警察以谋杀罪拘捕了他。)

  Who will be in charge of our class when the teacher is away?(老师不在的时候,谁管我们班?)

  10. figure n. 数字;人物;外形

  v. 想出;算出;估计

  He has a good head for figures.(他的数字概念很强。)

  No one had expected that his savings could reach 5 figures in such a short time.(谁也没料到在这么短的时间里,他的存款能达到五位数。)

  He was an important figure in American history.(他是美国历史上的重要人物。)

  She was always worrying about her figure as she couldn't resist the temptation of chocolates. (她抵御不了巧克力的诱惑,所以总是担心自己的体形。)

  We are trying to figure out a way to help them.(我们正在想办法帮助他们。)

  Figure out the expenses and see if we have enough money.(算一算费用,看看我们的钱是否够。)

  She brought an umbrella as she figured they might need it.(她带了一把伞,因为她估计他们会需要。)

  11. add v. 增加,增添

  addition n. 加 (in addition to除…之外)

  additional adj. 附加的,另外的

  The fire is going out, add more wood to it. (火要灭了,再加些木柴。)

  His explanation adds to my confusion.(他的解释使我更加糊涂。)

  In addition to leaves, these animals eat a great deal of fruit.(除了树叶之外,这些动物还吃大量的水果。)

  It will take an additional two days to finish the work.(还要再花两天时间才能完成这项工作。)

  12. revenue n. 收入,收益;税收

  The manager is worrying about the drop in advertising revenue.(经理正为广告收入的下降着急。)

  The loss of tax revenue in many areas is getting higher.(许多地区的税收流失越来越严重。)

  the Public Revenue(财政收入,国库收入)

  Inland Revenue(国内税收)     revenue department(税务部门)

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/4/24 1:35:03 [只看该作者]

13. diverse adj. 不同的;多种多样的

  diversity n. 多样性;差异

  He is a man of diverse talent.(他是一个有多种才能的人。)

  They offered us diverse suggestions at the meeting.(他们在会上给我们提出了各种各样的建议。)

  His writing displays the diversities of human behavior.(他的作品展示了人类行为的多样性。)

  A great diversity of methods has been tried in doing this experiment.(实验中尝试过各种各样的方法。)

  14. confuse v. 使混乱,混淆

  confusion n. 混乱,慌乱

  What he said just now confuses all of us.(他刚才说的话把我们都弄糊涂了。)

  Her answers have only added to his confusion.(她的回答只使他更加糊涂。)

  15. property n. 财产,资产;(房)地产;特性,性质

  That car is my property, you cannot use it without my permission.(那辆车是我的财产,没我的允许,你不能动用。)

  The city is growing and property in the center is becoming more valuable.(城市在发展,市中心的房地产越来越有价值了。)

  Many plants have medicinal properties.(许多植物有药用特性。)

  state property (国家财产) personal property(动产)

  real property / estate(不动产) intellectual property(知识产权)

  16. excise n. 国产税,本国消费税

  exercise n.& v. 行使,运用;锻炼;练习

  customs n. 关税  (Customs 海关)

  17. fund n. 基金,专款;储备,贮存

  v. 提供资金,供以款项

  We would set up a fund to help those children whose parents couldn't afford to send them to school.(我们将设立一项基金,帮助那些父母供不起他们读书的孩子。)

  They have a fund of knowledge and experience to draw on.(他们有丰富的知识和经验可利用。)

  This research is funded by the government.(这项研究由政府提供资金。)

  18. department n. 部,部门;系科

  the State Department (美国)国务院  the Department of Education 教育部

  department store 百货商店     the department of physics 物理系

  19. municipal adj. 市的,市政的

  the municipal government  市政府

  municipal administration   市政管理

  a municipal university    市立大学

  20. complain v. 抱怨,埋怨,发牢骚,诉苦

  complaint n. 抱怨,诉说

  He complained to the manager about / of the poor after-service.(他对经理抱怨说售后服务太差。)

  She complained about / of her husband's carelessness.(她抱怨说她丈夫太粗心。)

  The teacher complained that the students didn't work hard enough.(老师抱怨学生学习不够努力。)

  It is a common complaint that today's children lack the sense of cooperation.(人们常常抱怨今天的孩子缺少合作意识。)

  21. impractical adj. 不切实际的,不能实行的

  practical adj. 实际的,可行的

  His suggestion sounds good, but it is really impractical.(他的建议听起来不错,但是的确不切实际。)

  How long will it be before this theory can be put into practical use? (这一理论还要多久才能被实际运用?)

  22. program n. 计划;(电视)节目;程序

  v. 使按预定步骤工作;编程

  They are drawing up a program of water purification.(他们正在制定一个净水计划。)

  Tonight's TV programs will be very interesting.(今晚的电视节目会非常有趣。)

  I know nothing about computer programs.(我对电脑编程一窍不通。)

  You can program it to do different tasks at specific times.(你可以使它在特定的时间按计划完成各项不同的任务。)

  23. view n. 看法,观点;视野,眼界;景色,风景

  v. 看待,考虑

  He was unwilling to express his views on what had happened.(他不愿意就所发生的一切发表自己的观点。)

  When we stood on the top of the mountain, the whole city came into our view.(我们站在山顶时,整个城市尽收眼底。)

  Looking out of the window, he had a fine view of the Slender West Lake.(朝窗外望去,他看到了瘦西湖的美景。)

  Several possible buyers have come to view your car.(几个想买车的人来看过你的车了。)

  If you stand in his shoes to view the problem, you will come to a totally different conclusion. (如果你站在他的立场上来考虑这个问题,你会得出完全不同的结论。)

  24. issue n. 问题,争论点;发行

  v. 出版,发行,颁布

  At today's meeting we have to spend some time discussing this issue.(在今天的会上,我们得花点时间讨论这个问题。)

  The minute he got the latest issue of the sports magazine, he read it with great interest.(一拿到最新一期的体育杂志,他就津津有味地看了起来。)

  Her first novel issued in May.(她的第一部小说于五月份出版了。)

  He issued instructions that the prisoners should be set free.(他下令释放犯人。)

  25. tend v. 护理,照管

  tend to 易于,往往会;倾向于

  She is tending a very sick patient. (她在护理一位重病人。)

  In addition to his full-time job, he tends a bar.(除了一份全日制的工作,他还照管一个酒吧。)

  When you ask her more than one question, she tends to get impatient.(你问她两个以上的问题,她往往会不耐烦。)

  He tends to be optimistic no matter what happens.(无任发生任何事情,他总倾向于乐观。)


  Conversion (转类法──名词和动词相互转类)

  tax type salary charge

  packet figure fund protest

  program view issue tend


  Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes 介绍了美国三级政府(联邦政府,州政府,市政府)征收的三种税(income tax,sales tax,property tax and excise tax)。美国人对税收的一致看法是:The taxes are too high. 这篇文章对我们了解美国社会很有帮助,值得一读。


  1. Americans often say that there are two things a person can be sure of in life: death and taxes.

  句中的that引导的是一个宾语从句,例如:Everybody knows that the earth goes around the sun.(众所周知,地球围绕太阳转。)


  1) 他知道我不会责怪他。(He knew that I wouldn't blame him.)

  2) 妈妈说他必须在六点以前回来。(Mother said that he had to be back before 6:00.)

  3) 我想天气很快会放晴。(I think that it is going to clear up soon.)

  4) 我相信他对我说了实话。(I believe that he told me the truth.)

  句中的a person can be sure of …是定语从句,修饰two things, 引导定语从句的关系代词that被省去了。例如:Have you found the book you want?(你找到你要的书了吗?)


  1) 他找到了他丢失的那块表。(He found the watch he had lost.)

  2) 这儿有很多我感兴趣的书。(There are many books I am interested in.)

  be sure of的意思是“对……确信无疑”,例如:

  ─ Is he going to call us at 9:00? (他会在九点给我们打电话吗?)

  ─ Yes, I am sure of it. (是的,我肯定。)


  1) I am sure of his sincerity. (我确信他的诚意。)

  2) You are sure of a warm welcome.(你肯定会受到热烈的欢迎。)

  3) I don't know for sure whether he will come or not.(我不很确切地知道他是否会来。)

  4) Make sure that you turn off the light when you leave.(确保在你离开时把灯关掉。)

  5) Be sure not to forget what your parents said to you.(千万别忘了父母对你说的话。)

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/4/24 1:35:28 [只看该作者]

2. Americans don't have a corner on the “death” market, but many people feel that the United States leads the world with the worst taxes.

  have a corner的意思是“垄断”,例如:have a corner on the cotton market (垄断棉花市场);have a corner on the black vote(垄断黑人选票)。有时也会见到以in 代替on的用法:have a corner in banking



  1) He leads his class in English.(他在班上英语学的最好。)

  2) He led the broad jump with a leap of 26 feet.(他以26 英尺的成绩在跳远中领先。)

  3) Pollution still leads the list of major problems in that country.(污染仍然是那个国家的头号严重问题。)

  3. Taxes consist of money which people pay to support their government.

  句中which 引导的定语从句修饰the money.


  1) This is the book that I just borrowed from the library.(这是我刚刚从图书馆借的书。)

  2) He put the money that his mother gave him in a safe place.(他把妈妈给他的钱放在一个安全的地方。)

  3) I don't remember where I put the CD that I bought yesterday. (我记不得把昨天买的CD放在哪儿了。)

  consist of的意思是“由……构成”,它与 make up of , compose of 的区别在于:consist of不可用被动语态,而make up of和 compose of 可以用被动语态。例如:

  1) The house consists of 6 rooms.

  2) The medical team is made up of three doctors and a nurse.

  3) The book is composed of 25 units.

  4. Salaried people who earn more than a few thousand dollars must pay a certain percentage of their salaries to the federal government.

  句中who引导的定语从句修饰 people.


  1) The girl who helped me with my English is our monitor.(帮助我学外语的那个女孩是我们班长。)

  2) The man who knocked at the door just now is my next-door neighbor.(刚才敲门的那个人是我的隔壁邻居。)

  3) The boy who was shot to death by his classmate was only 8.(被同学开枪打死的那个男孩才八岁。)


  1) 税率从百分之十四到百分之七十不等。(The percentage of the tax varies from 14% to 70%.)

  2) 学生的及格率达到了百分之九十五。(The percentage of students who passed the exam reached 95%.)

  3) 工业产量上涨了百分之十四。(The industrial output increased by 14%.)

  5. It depends on their salaries.

  depend on在句中的意思是“视……而定”。除此以外,还可表示“依靠”;“信赖”等。


  1) 成功与否得看你的能力和努力。(Success depends on your ability and efforts.)

  2) Whether we can go outing depends on tomorrow's weather. (我们能否去郊游取决于明天的天气。)

  3) The old man depends on the government pension for a living.(那位老人靠政府的养老金生活。)

  4) 他总是依赖姐姐给他做作业。(He always depends on his sister to do his homework.)

  5) He is not to be depended on.(他不可信赖。)

  6. With the high cost of taxes, people are not very happy on April 15, when the federal taxes are due.

  介词with在句中的意思是“由于,因为”。例如:With their support, we fulfilled our task ahead of time.(由于他们的帮助,我们提前完成了任务。)

  如果仅仅有月份,没有具体的日期,月份前用介词in ,如果有具体的日期则用介词on ,例如:1) He was born in May. 2) He was born on May 23.

  句中due的意思是“到期”,例如:The books are due, I have to return them to the library. (书到期了,我得去图书馆还书。)


  1) The train is due to arrive at 8:00.(火车定于八点钟到达。)

  2) The baby is due in the middle of October.(婴儿的预产期为十月中旬。)

  3) Due attention should be paid to this work.(应该给这项工作以适当的关注。)

  4) Old people expect to be treated with the respect due to their age.(老人们期望受到他们这个年龄的人应得的尊敬。)

  5) His death was due to heart attack.(他的死是由心脏病引起的。)

  7. Some states have an income tax similar to that of the federal government.



  1) 南京的天气比青岛的天气热。(The weather of Nanjing is hotter than that of Qingdao.)

  2) 黄金的价格比白银的价格要高。(The price of gold is higher than that of silver.)

  8. Other states have a sales tax, which is a percentage charged to any item which you buy in that state.

  句中前一个which 引导的是一个非限定性定语从句,修饰sales tax.非限定性定语从句通常在句中起进一步说明作用,既可修饰先行词也可修饰整个句子。如果省去,原句意义不受影响。非限定性定语从句有逗号与主句隔开;关系代词不可用that,而用who, whom, whose来修饰人,用which来修饰物,并且不能省略。


  1) The sun warms the earth, which makes it possible for plants and animals to live.(太阳温暖了大地,这才使动植物有可能生长。)

  2) He failed the exam, which made him very disappointed.(他考试没及格,这使他非常失望。)

  3) He has a son, who is doing his PH.D in the United States.(他有一个儿子,在美国读博士学位。)

  句中后一个which引导的是一个限定性定语从句,修饰any item.但是传统语法中通常有这样的规定:当先行词是all,everything,something,nothing等不定代词,或被first,only,few,much,some,any,no以及形容词最高级等词修饰时,应该用关系代词that,不用which.例如:I am interested in all that you told me.

  9. The cities use these funds for education, police and fire department, public works and municipal buildings.

  work 用作单数时,通常指工作,例如:I have a lot of work to do this afternoon.

  用作复数时,works则指 1)著作:The Complete Works of Mao Zetong(《毛泽东全集》) 2)工程:public works(公共建筑工程,市政工程)

  10. They say that it spends too much on useless and impractical programs.

  spend too much (money) on sth的意思是“把太多的钱花在……”,例如:He would spend some money on books every month……(他每个月都花一些钱买书。)

  我们常常会碰到的另一个词组spend some time (in) doing sth.的意思是“花时间做某事”,例如:He spent a lot of time doing the experiment.(他花了很多时间做实验。)


  1) Tom paid 20 dollars for that T-shirt.

  2) The T-shirt cost Tom 20 dollars.

  3) Tom spent 20 dollars on that T-shirt.


  1) 我借给他的那本新字典花了我三十多块钱。(The dictionary I lent him cost me more than 30 yuan.)

  2) 把这辆自行车修一修要花很多钱吗?(Does it cost much to get this bike repaired?)

  3) 在过去的几年中,这家工厂花了很多钱改善工作条件。(In the past few years, the factory has spent a lot of money improving the working conditions.)

  4) 她不喜欢把钱花在华而不实的服装上。(She doesn't like to spend money on fancy clothes.)

  5) 买这部手机你花了多少钱?(How much money did you pay for this self-phone?)

  6) 她花了一百多块钱买那双鞋。(She paid more than a hundred for that pair of shoes.)


  1. be sure of 2. have a corner

  3. consist of 4. vary from

  5. depend on 6. a packet of

  7. in addition to 8. complain about

  9. in the wrong way 10. spend…on

  11. tend to 12. agree on

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/4/24 1:35:48 [只看该作者]


  A. 宾语从句:

  1) Americans often say that there are only two things a person can be sure of.

  2) …but many people feel that the United States lead the world with the worst taxes.

  3) …they often feel that they are working one day each week just to pay their taxes.

  4) They often protest that the government uses their tax dollars in the wrong way.

  5) They say that it spends too much on useless and practical programs.

  B. 定语从句:

  1) Taxes consist of money which people pay to support their government.

  2) Salaried people who earn more than a few thousand dollars must pay a certain percentage of their salaries to the federal government.

  3) Other states have a sales tax, which is a percentage charged to any item which you buy in that state.

  4) …people who own a home have to pay taxes on it…

  5) …and excise tax, which is charged on cars in a city.


  A. The New England States (6)

  1. Maine (缅因) 2. New Hampshire*(新罕布什尔)

  3. Vermont(佛蒙特) 4. Massachusetts*(马萨诸塞)

  5. Connecticut*(康涅狄格) 6. Rhode Island*(罗得岛)

  B. The Middle Atlantic States (7)

  7. New York*(纽约) 8. Pennsylvania*(宾夕法尼亚)

  9. New Jersey*(新泽西) 10. Delaware*(特拉华)

  11. Maryland* (马里兰) 12. Virginia*(弗吉尼亚)

  13. West Virginia(西弗吉尼亚)

  C. The Southern Atlantic States (11)

  14. North Carolina* (北卡罗来纳) 15. South Carolina*(南卡罗来纳)

  16. Georgia*(佐治亚) 17. Florida(佛罗里达)

  18. Alabama(亚拉巴马) 19. Mississippi(密西西比)

  20. Tennessee (田纳西) 21. Louisiana(路易斯安那)

  22. Arkansas(阿肯色) 23. Texas(得克萨斯)

  24. Oklahoma(俄克拉何马)

  D. The Central States (13)

  25. Wisconsin (威斯康星) 26. Illinois(伊利诺斯)

  27. Kentucky(肯塔基) 28. Indiana(印第安那)

  29. Ohio(俄亥俄) 30. Michigan(密执安)

  31. Minnesota(明尼苏达) 32. Iowa(衣阿华)

  33. Missouri(密苏里) 34. North Dakota(北达科他)

  35. South Dakota(南达科他) 36. Nebraska(内布拉斯加)

  37. Kansas(堪萨斯)

  E. The Western States (13)

  38. Washington(华盛顿) 39. Oregon(俄勒冈)

  40. California(加利福尼亚) 41. Montana(蒙大拿)

  42. Idaho(爱达荷) 43. Nevada(内华达)

  44. Utah(犹他) 45. Arizona(亚历桑那)

  46. Wyoming(怀俄明) 47. Colorado(科罗拉多)

  48. New Mexico(新墨西哥) 49. Alaska(阿拉斯加)

  50. Hawaii(夏威夷)


  Text B   Advertising


  1. attract attention 吸引注意

  He talked loudly to attract attention.(他大声说话以吸引注意。)

  2. for the most part 在很大程度上,多半

  These cars, for the most part, are made in China.(这些汽车多半产于中国。)

  3. persuade sb. to do sth. 劝某人做某事

  be persuaded to do sth. 被劝说做某事

  The doctor persuaded my father to give up smoking.(医生劝我父亲戒烟。)

  The young man was persuaded to take up that job.(那个年轻人被劝说接受那份工作。)

  4. a large amount of 一大笔

  He borrowed a large amount of money from the bank.(他向银行借了一大笔钱。)

  5. put out 发布,公布;出版;广播

  The article was put out in a national magazine to reach a larger audience.(为了能影响更多的读者,文章被登发在一份国家级杂志上。)

  This newspaper is put out every day.(这份报纸每天出版。)

  The weather forecast has just put out a storm.(天气预报刚刚发出了暴风警报。)

  6. be characteristic of 为…所特有,是…的特征

  Rainy days are characteristic of March.(多雨的日子为三月所特有。)

  7. catch the eye 引人注目

  The beautiful blue dress in the window caught her eye when she passed the store.(她经过那家商店时,橱窗里漂亮的兰色连衣裙吸引了她。)

  8. identify with 与一致;认为…等同于;跟…发生共鸣,同情;(无意识地)仿效

  His idea identifies with mine.(他的观点和我的观点相同。)

  Never identify personal opinions with facts.(切莫把个人观点与事实等同起来。)

  All the money came from those who identified with him.(所有的钱都来自于那些同情他的人。)

  Children usually identify themselves with their parents.(孩子往往会仿效自己的父母。)

  9. carry over 继续下去,遗留下来

  The report was carried over to the next page.(报告转入下一页。)

  His habit carries over from his childhood. (他的习惯从小保留至今。)

  10. as well as 和,也

  Women, as well as men, have the right to work.(妇女和男人一样有工作的权利。)

  11. over and over again 反复

  He mentioned the incident over and over again, which really bored me to death.(他反复提及那件事,真把我烦死了。)

  12. put up with 忍受

  Both water pollution and air pollution are becoming more and more serious but we have to put up with them at the moment.(水污染和空气污染都在变得越来越严重,但是我们暂时只好忍着。)

  13. be responsible for 为…负责

  It is not yet clear who should be responsible for the accident.(谁该对这起事故负责现在还不清楚。)

  14. decide on 决定,选定

  They decided on their plan of action after hours of discussion.(经过数小时的讨论,他们决定了行动计划。)

  15. be involved in 参与,介入

  He quitted his job as he no longer wanted to be involved in politics.(他不想再介入政治便辞去了工作。)

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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/4/24 1:36:04 [只看该作者]

Text A  The Altoantic Ocean


  1. unwilling    adj.不情愿的,不愿意的;勉强的

  Selfish as she is, she is unwilling to share anything with others. (她很自私,不愿意与他人分享任何东西。)

  He was unwilling to give up halfway even though there might be more difficulties ahead.


  They got some unwilling assistance from the local government. (地方政府勉强给了他们一些协助。)

  2. equator   n.赤道

  Ecuador is near the equator.(厄瓜多尔靠近赤道。)

  People used to believe that at the equator the ocean would be boiling hot.


  3. bulge   n.不规则突起;鼓起之处;(突然)上涨,增多        v.使膨胀;塞满

  Between the bulge of South America and the bulge of Africa lies the narrowest place of the Atlantic Ocean. (大西洋的最狭窄处位于南美洲的突起处和非洲的突起处之间。)

  The graph shows a bulge in the birth rate in the year of dragon. (图表显示龙年出生率的暴增。)

  His schoolbag was bulging with apples when he came back from his uncle's orchard.


  4. unusual    adj. 少有的;不寻常的;与众不同的,独特的

  It was not unusual for him to work very late every night. (每天工作到深夜对他来说是很平常的事。)

  He has an unusual name.(他有一个不寻常的名字。)

  It is unusual to see snow in this region.(这个地区难得下雪。)

  This young man has an unusual talent for organization.(这个年轻人有非凡的组织才能)。

  5. salty    adj. 咸的,含盐的     salt n. 盐;风趣    v. 用盐调味;用盐腌;撒盐于道路上

  He didn't have much for dinner as the dishes were too salty. (他晚餐吃的不多,因为菜太咸了。)

  It might be a good idea to wash these in salty water. (把这些放在盐水里洗一洗也许是个好主意。)

  He added a bit more salt to the soup to make it tastier. (为了使汤的味道更好,他又加了一点盐。)

  His wit added salt to the discussion. (他的妙语使讨论增添了风趣。)

  Have you salted the potato?(你往土豆里加了盐了吗?)

  It took them a long time to salt the main roads. (他们花了好长时间才在主要公路上撒上盐。)

  grind salt in sb.'s wounds 在某人伤口上撒盐,使某人痛上加痛

  with a grain of salt 半信半疑地

  Salt Lake City 盐湖城(美国尤他州州府)

  salt mine 盐矿      salt shaker (瓶盖上有细孔用于匀撒的)盐瓶

  salt spreader 撒盐车   a saltwater lake 咸水湖

  saltwater fish 海产    a salted egg 咸蛋

  请注意:形容词salty是由名词 salt加形容词后缀 -y构成的。这样的形容词在英语中还有很多,如:windy,snowy,rainy,cloudy,sunny,funny,muddy,foggy…

  6. average   n. 平均数,平均   adj. 平均的;平常的,普通的   v. 平均

  The average of 5,7 and 9 is 7. (5,7,9的平均数是7.)

  He receives an average of 50 calls a day.(他平均每天接到50个电话。)

  Mr. Brown could hardly believe that his son's work at school is below the average.


  The average temperature yesterday was below zero.(昨天的平均气温在零度以下。)

  He is an average student in his class.(他是班上的一般学生。)

  A man of average height came to see you today.(今天有一位中等身材的人来看你。)

  He averages one pack of cigarettes a day.(他平均每天抽一包香烟。)

  The annual rainfall here averages 700mm.(这里的年降雨量平均为700毫米。)

  7. spot   n.地点,处所;点,斑点  v. 点缀;认出;准确定位  adj. 当场作出的;现付的

  She toured many scenic spots during the holiday.(假日里她游览了许多风景胜地。)

  She told us the exact spot where the accident happened. (她把事故发生的准确地点告诉了我们。)

  She decided on a blue tie with white spot for her husband. (她给丈夫选了一条蓝底白点的领带。)

  There is a spot of ink on the white wall.(白墙上有墨水渍。)

  He didn't want to leave a spot on his reputation.(他不想在名誉上留下污点。)

  The night sky is spotted with twinkling stars.(闪烁的星星点缀着夜空。)

  His shoes are spotted with mud.(他的鞋子上有泥渍。)

  She is so special, you can spot her in the crowd easily. (她很特别,你在人群中能一眼认出她来。)

  He was sent to spot the battery position of the enemy.(他被派去测定敌炮阵地。)

  She was urged to make a spot decision.(她被催促当场做决定。)

  on the spot 当场,在现场   in a spot 在困境中,在窘境中

  put sb. on the spot 使某人处于难堪地位

  put one's finger on sb.’s weak spot 指出某人性格上的弱点

  spot check 抽样检查   spot survey 抽样调查

  spotlight 聚光灯;汽车上的反光灯;公众注意中心

  spot news 现场报道的新闻   spot price 现货价

  8. range   n. 山脉;幅度,范围       v.(在某范围内)变动,变化;把…排列成行

  One of the longest mountain ranges of the world rises from the floor of the Atlantic.


  The age range is from 45 to 65.(年龄幅度在45岁至65岁之间。)

  He is not very clear about his range of responsibility.(他对自己的责任范围并不清楚。)

  The question you asked is out of my range.(你问的问题我不懂。)

  Prices of gasoline range from one dollar to one dollar and twenty a gallon.


  The tiger-sharks range in length from nine feet to fourteen feet. (虎鲸的体长从9英尺到14英尺不等。)

  The puddings are neatly ranged on the shelf.(布丁整齐地排列在架子上。)

  medium-range missile 中程导弹   wide range of interests 兴趣广泛

  at close range 接近地   in/within range 在射程内

  9. peak   n. 山峰;顶点

  The mountain peak is covered with snow all the year.(山峰终年积雪。)

  His career is at its peak now, no wonder he will make greater achievement.


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  发帖心情 Post By:2007/4/24 1:36:31 [只看该作者]

10. vessel   n. 船,舰;容器,器皿

  an ocean-going vessel 远洋轮  an escort vessel 护卫舰

  a fishing vessel 渔船      a drinking vessel 饮具

  11. crew   n. 全体船员,全体机务人员

  The crew was (were) annoyed at the captain's decision.(船员们对船长的决定感到恼火。)

  The aircraft has a crew of 6.(这架飞机有6名机组人员。)

  All 312 passengers and 6 crew members died in the plane crash.


  12. becalm   v.(常用被动语态)(指帆船)因无风而停止前进

  In the days of sailing vessels the crew were afraid they would be becalmed on the ocean.


  He was becalmed for a whole week north of the island. (他在海岛北面因无风而停泊了整整一周。)

  13. gulf   n. 海湾;隔阂;鸿沟

  Can you tell me for sure who was the real winner of the Gulf War?


  The quarrel left a gulf between the two close friends. (那场争吵在两位好友间造成了隔阂。)

  the Persian Gulf 波斯湾   the Gulf of Mexico 墨西哥湾

  Gulf Stream 湾流,墨西哥湾流

  14. stream   n. 小河,溪流    v. 流,涌

  They had a walk along the bank of the stream.(他们沿着河岸散步。)

  Lots of tree leaves are floating along with the stream.(许多树叶正随着水流漂浮。)

  Tourists came into the cave in a steady stream.(游客们源源不断地进入山洞。)

  Tears streamed down her cheeks when she heard the news.(当她听到那个消息时,泪水顺着脸颊流了下来。)

  He didn't even frown when blood streamed from his wound. (血从伤口涌出时,他连眉头都没皱一下。)

  a stream of cold air 一股冷空气   a stream of people 一股人流

  a stream of lies 一串谎言      a stream of good ideas 一系列好主意

  a stream of light 一道光线     stream of consciousness 意识流

  go against the stream 逆潮流而动   go with the stream 随波逐流

  stream-lined cars 流线型汽车

  15. current   n. (空气,水等的)流,潮流;电流;倾向   adj. 当前的,通行的

  The child had been swept away by the current.(孩子被水流卷走了。)

  A steady current of heated air rose from the mountain top. (一股热气从山顶源源不断升起。)

  There was a powerful electric current running through the wires. (一股强大的电流流过电线。)

  Mass media influence the current of public opinion.(大众传媒影响舆论的倾向。)

  Give me a current issue of Reader's Digest.(给我一本最近一期的读者文摘。)

  A long time ago, it was a current belief that the earth was flat. (很久以前,人们普遍相信地球是扁平。)

  the main current 主流      a warm current 暖流

  an alternating current 交流电   a direct current 直流电

  current events 时事       current situation 当前形势

  16. affect   v. 影响;打动;(疾病)侵袭    effect    n. 效果;作用,影响;

  His mood was greatly affected by the sad news.  (那个悲痛的消息使他的心绪大受影响。)

  Computers affect our life in many ways.(计算机在许多方面影响我们的生活。)

  Reading in dim light constantly will surely affect the eyes.(经常在昏暗的光线下看书肯定会对眼睛有影响。)

  The child was affected with high fever.(孩子发高烧了。)

  The color gives the effect of being warm.(这颜色给人以暖感。)

  The wonderful sky effect on the festival night impressed everybody.


  I just hope this medicine won't have serious side-effect. (我只希望这种药没有严重的副作用。)

  sound effect 音响效果   three-dimensional effect 立体感

  lighting effect 灯光效果   cause and effect 因果

  no effects 无存款(银行在空头支票上的批语)

  be of no effect无效     bring sth. to effect 实行,实施

  in effect实际上       take effect 见效;生效

  17. climate    n. 气候

  The change in climate might be one of the causes for the extinction of dinosaurs.


  In cold climates, some of the livestock have to be kept indoors all winter.


  In the present economic climate we can make greater achievement.


  weather   n. 天气

  The football match had to be put off because of bad weather. (由于天气不好,足球比赛被推迟了。)

  What's the weather like in Hangzhou? I hope it is not as hot there.(杭州的天气怎么样?希望那儿不那么热。)

  18. flow    n. 流     v. 流动

  Heavy rains brought mud flows down the mountain. (暴雨把泥流冲下了山。)

  The doctor stopped the flow of blood. (医生把血止住了。)

  The river flows east into the sea. (这条河向东流入大海。)

  19. furnish   v. 供应,提供;装备,(用家具)布置

  The school has decided to furnish the library with some new books. (学校决定给图书馆提供一些新书。)

  They furnished all the passengers with life jackets. (他们为所有的乘客提供救生衣。)

  She wants to furnish her new house with modern furniture.(她想用时新家具布置新家。)

  20. highway   n. 公路;  (水陆)交通干线

  The canal was the only highway for commerce.(这条远河是唯一的商业路线。)

  You can find many motels along the highways.(在高速公路沿线你会看到许多汽车旅馆。)

  21. float   v.(使)漂浮

  Colorful flags are floating in the morning breeze.(彩旗在晨风中飘荡。)

  When winter comes yellow leaves float down.(冬天到来时,黄叶飘落。)

  It will be much easier for you to float the logs down the river.(你们把木材顺流下漂将会容易得多。)


  Affixation  (词缀法)

  1. 反意词前缀un-     unusual,unwilling

  2. 形容词后缀-y       salty

  3. 名词后缀-or        sailor

  Compounding   (合词法)

  1. 复合名词         highway,steamship,airplane

  2. 复合形容词       mid-Atlantic,eastward


  The Atlantic Ocean向读者介绍了有关大西洋的情况。我们可以了解航行大西洋的过去和现在,也可以了解大西洋“制造”出来的世界之最。


  1. The Atlantic Ocean is one of the oceans that separate the Old World from the New.

  在表示河流,海洋,群岛,沙漠等地理名称的名词前,以及以复数形式出现的国名前要用定冠词,例如:the Yellow River(黄河),the Pacific Ocean(太平洋),the British Isles   (不列颠群岛),the Sahara(撒哈拉沙漠),the Alps(阿尔卑斯山脉),  the Philippines (菲列宾)

  在表示某一座山,岛屿或某一个湖时不用定冠词,例如:Yellow Mountain(黄山),Lake Erie(伊利湖),Hainan Island(海南岛)

  one of +复数名词是英语中常见的用法,请翻译下面的句子:

  She is one of the most hardworking students in our class. (她是我们班学习最刻苦的学生之一。)

  Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world.(上海是世界最大的城市之一。)

  印度是世界上人口最多的国家之一。 (India is one of the countries with the largest population in the world.)

  尼罗河是世界上最长的河流之一。(Nile is one of the longest rivers in the world.)

  在one of +复数名词+定语从句的结构中,定语从句一般被看作修饰复数名词,因此该从句中的谓语要用复数形式。例如:

  This is one of the best novels that have been published this year. (这是今年出版的最佳小说之一。)

  Mr. Smith is one of those men who always think they are right.


  He is not one of those who bow before difficulties.(他不是那种在困难面前低头的人。)

  但是在the only one of +复数名词+定语从句的结构中,定语从句应该被看成修饰单数名词。例如:

  He was the only one of the boys who was praised by the teacher. (他是男孩中唯一受到老师表扬的。)

  Helen is the only one of those girls who doesn't wear make-up. (海伦是那些女孩中唯一不化妆的。)

  separate from是常用词组,在句子中的意思是“(使)分离,(使)分开”,请翻译下面的句子:

  1)英吉利海峡把英法两国隔开。(The English Channel separates England from France.)

  2)理论不应该脱离实际。(Theory should not be separated from practice.)

  the Old world指欧,亚,非三洲,有时仅指欧洲。the New (World) 指哥伦布发现的美洲大陆。

  2. For centuries it kept the Americas from being discovered by the people of Europe.

  for centuries 意为“许多世纪”。在英语中用介词for加表示时间的复数名词的表达形式很常见。请翻译下面的句子:

  1)I haven't seen you for days. How is everything?(多日不见,一切都好吗?)

  2)I haven't seen him for years, I am sure he has changed a lot. (我多年没见到他了,他一定变了不少。)

  3)It seems I have been waiting for you for centuries. Where have you been?


  keep… from doing 是习惯用法,意思是“使…不…”。

  例如:It is really not easy to keep Father from smoking.(要使父亲不抽烟真不容易。)


  1)Heavy fog kept the ships from being discovered by the enemy. (大雾使得船只未被敌人发现。)

  2)We had no way to keep him from getting involved in the matter. (我们没有办法使他不卷入那事件中去。)

  3)那种药使他的咳嗽不再加剧。 (The medicine keeps his cough from getting more serious.)


  (The local people's conservative mind keeps that place from developing rapidly.)
