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主题:Disappointment from Quebec 令人失望的魁北克

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Disappointment from Quebec 令人失望的魁北克  发帖心情 Post By:2007/6/7 1:23:36 [只看该作者]


Disappointment from Quebec  令人失望的魁北克
By: Sheng Liang

Before coming to Canada, I have never before experienced the sentiment of living in a hodgepodge society that composed not only different races, but also different language groups.

here, the different language groups is where I would like to elaborate.

Before coming to Quebec, I have a impression, possibly a false one, that French is such a noble culture with the inbred image of European romantics. therefore I had much anticipation of my actual encounters with French people. However, francophone in Quebec, quite disappointingly, gave me a opposite picture.

Quebecois are very close-minded, to such a degree that they basically share the same English literacy with urban Chinese, while one is located in North America and the other on the opposite end of the earth. And the French literacy is not great either, every French French I know says that he/she feels a dramatic increase in the grammatical mistakes they hear daily after coming to Quebec.

Uncivilized, although a word that is apparently too harsh and inappropriate, should fairly state the other direction of my disappointment. Everyday, on the way back from my English high school (a public one. I sometimes feel lucky that I am in a English school so at least I get better influences), I see French Quebecois kids literally spit all over the place in the Metro station near my house.
High schools girls in the metro station, though very hot, are a good match for the term "coquetry".

why so, one should ask. I think this is probably because of the huge social leap, which happened just in the last decades, from a Catholic traditional community to a modern Americanized one. the negative impact, in my opinion, is shown in the younger generation as mentioned earlier, as a collective discordance caused by that "huge social leap".
